Have spent a few hours this morning trying different methods but still no joy. The HP laptop I am using is a HP ProBook 640 G5 and the BIOS refers to the asset settings as System IDs Asset Tracking Number and Ownership Tag The scripts I have tried seem unable to re...
DC=com" Retrieve Autopilot devices $autopilotDevices = Get-ADComputer -Filter * -SearchBase $autopilotOU foreach ($device in $autopilotDevices) { # Check criteria and move to appropriate sub-OU if ($device.Name -like "*Criteria1*") { Move-ADObject -Identity $device.DistinguishedName ...
dhavalgare you considering as well implementing automatic unsubscribe when the remote desktop client is closed by the user or when the user logs off? There are some security concerns among WVD admins about having the workspace credentials cached in the rd client and n...
it is essential to have your social media accounts set up. Preferably on autopilot. It makes it easier toreach outto new readers while allowing for greater engagement via comments and discussions.
The device will be Windows 10 (latest patches) and enrolled into InTune via AutoPilot. Is there a way of using a device policy or maybe put it as part of a task sequence to add these devices? Thanks!
JimCopeland63Thanks for the feedback Jim. We've been looking at different ways to improve the initial subscription flow, at least for cases where the user's AAD token is already available for us to use (ex: AADJ or workplace joined devices). ...
These parameters are set automatically by the autopilot software without considering local external factors, such as weather conditions. Figure 17. Autel Explorer waypoint configuration screen. As can be seen, it is only possible to change the velocity of the drone in the point (red fence), but...
These parameters are set automatically by the autopilot software without considering local external factors, such as weather conditions. Figure 17. Autel Explorer waypoint configuration screen. As can be seen, it is only possible to change the velocity of the drone in the point (red fence), but...
The device will be Windows 10 (latest patches) and enrolled into InTune via AutoPilot. Is there a way of using a device policy or maybe put it as part of a task sequence to add these devices?Thanks!"},"Conversation:conversation:1360526":{"__typename":"Conversation","id":"conversation:...