DC=com" Retrieve Autopilot devices $autopilotDevices = Get-ADComputer -Filter * -SearchBase $autopilotOU foreach ($device in $autopilotDevices) { # Check criteria and move to appropriate sub-OU if ($device.Name -like "*Criteria1*") { Move-ADObject -Identity $device.DistinguishedName ...
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$computerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME $assetTag = (Get-WmiObject win32_SystemEnclosure).smbiosassettag # Ensure that asset tag is not empty or null to avoid renaming issues if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($assetTag)) { Write-Host \"Asset tag is empty or not available. Cannot ...
it is essential to have your social media accounts set up. Preferably on autopilot. It makes it easier toreach outto new readers while allowing for greater engagement via comments and discussions.
Then end goal is too have the devices name match the asset sticker on the device.Looking forward to your input."},"Conversation:conversation:4229382":{"__typename":"Conversation","id":"conversation:4229382","solved":false,"topic":{"__ref":"ForumTopicMessage:message:422938...
JimCopeland63Thanks for the feedback Jim. We've been looking at different ways to improve the initial subscription flow, at least for cases where the user's AAD token is already available for us to use (ex: AADJ or workplace joined devices). ...
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Thanks for the feedback Jim. We've been looking at different ways to improve the initial subscription flow, at least for cases where the user's AAD token is already available for us to use (ex: AADJ or workplace joined devices).\...