counter += 1 if two_days_article == 0: sb.send_mail('Configure the article', '[nuestra web] Articles needs to be configured.\n CLICK HERE', '2 days left to finish configured articles', '', 'Alvaro') If you want to use it, you must modify your Google Sheet, th...
Trump was president when he took them home, and the criminal probe will address the legality of that. Biden took them as Senator and VP. 100% illegal. Ted Cruz: on Twitter “This says some of the docs are from his Senate service. Serious Q: how on earth did he do that? I’ve ser...
and they are admitting that their miracle “vaccines” don’t work (unless you change the definition of the word “vaccine”), and that they have killed a few people
GoogleDocsNormalizer googlesheetsnormalizer GoogleSheetsNormalizer mswordnormalizer MSWordNormalizer normalizer Normalizer NormalizerData pastefromoffice PasteFromOffice paste-from-office-enhanced pastefromofficeenhanced PasteFromOfficeEnhanced real-time-collaboration config PresenceListConfig pre... Task updates and questions will be posted to our public mailing list: More details on the annotated corpora can be found here: ...
And word is Trump’s next big push will be to pass an infrastructure bill – even more spending and debt. Meanwhile, during a time of rising debt, the Fed will be flooding the market with bonds. And what do governments have to do to finance debt? That’s right. They sell bonds. ...
Whether there’s enough decency to counter that is a toss-up. What is not is that the numbers of refugees will keep rising at the same time that our economies keep sinking. It’s up to us, wherever we live in the world, to find the best way to deal with it. We have a choice...
“The Biden documents never arrived in Los Angeles. Tuesday morning we received word from our shipping company that our package had been opened and the contents were missing,” Carlson also remarked. “The documents had disappeared.” On Tuesday night, Carlson interviewed former Hunter Biden ...
I copied his text and pasted it into google docs and it is a similar word count. What am I doing wrong? Or am I being throttled? Please advise. August 4, 2021 at 12:43 pm #82244 Polder Dweller Participant Heidelberg chief pathologist calls for more autopsies of vaccinated people ...
The NIH site used to include a 232-word definition of the research, but it was removed around the same time the agency disclosed that research it funded in China met the definition. The alteration took place sometime between Oct. 19 and Oct. 21. The Epoch Times submitted a Freedom of ...