In the process the generator is able to fool the discriminator by generating fake questions which are close enough to the original labelled questions and that is when training stops. Fig. 3 GAN-based general architecture for automatic question generation Full size image The problem of fill-in-...
Three-generator Artin groups of large type are biautomaticGroup TheoryThomas BradyJonathan P. McCammondarXivT. Brady and J.P. McCammond. Three-generator Artin groups of large type are biauto- matic. Preprint, Dublin City Uni. and Texas A.M.U., 1998. arXiv:math.GR/9809174...
Automatic Barcode Label Generator Automatic Barrier Crossing, Locally Monitored automatic bass compensation Automatic Batch Mixing Automatic Batch Processing automatic batcher Automatic baud dectection Automatic Baud Rate Automatic baud rate detection Automatic baud rate detection ...
Infinity Grid Generator Build a yaml file with your chosen parameters, and generate infinite-dimensional grids. Built-in ability to add description text to fields. See readme for usage details. embedding-inspector https://github....
Math AssessmentSet and grade math questions for any type and level of mathematics with ease, using the Free Text assessment. Codio offers manual grading of mathematical expressions or proofs, and multiple choice assessment type to create answers. Parsons PuzzleAlso known as a Parsons problem, Parson...
A PID controller is combined with the AVR to improve the terminal voltage profile of the generator7,8. The parameters of a PID controller need to be tuned based on the characteristics of the specific system to achieve optimal performance. The techniques that are used for tuning the gains of ...
(0, 0, -1, 0, 0) num: laws.Numbers = Numbers: 0, 0, -1, 0, 0 scala> val ops = Int Int IntTest Integer2int InternalError IntGenerator Integer Integral InterruptedException scala> val ops = Str StrGenerator StrictMath StringContext StrLongGenerator String StringFormat StrLongTest String...
The model incorporates RoBERTa sentence features as the backbone, combining them with a generator that introduces random noise and a discriminator for adversarial training. In this study the authors also used vast amounts of unlabelled data from another related domain, and demonstrated that the ...
The paper addresses the problem of code generation from natural language, by generating a syntax-error-free generator model, which creates an Syntax-based model, later translated into code, for generating the structure of the code. Two approaches are comparatively investigated for generating the ...
Github Changelog Generator: generate CHANGELOG. Google Benchmark: benchmark against various methods. GoogleTest: unit-test and integration-test. Travis: continuous integration for Linux and MacOS. See .travis.yml for more details. Valgrind: check memory leak/error.License...