In Minecraft, you can build a redstone device (using an observer) that automatically harvests your pumpkins as they grow. This farm design works with any plants that grow from a vine such aspumpkinsandmelons. Let's explore how to make this automatic farm in Minecraft (watch our video below...
Warning!This page hasn't been updated in a while and is likely outdated for newer versions of Minecraft. This three-part slime farming series shows you how to build fully automatic slime farms in slime chunks and swamp biomes. The first video gives an overview of the farm types and demonstr...
In the same village, you can also collect seeds by breaking crops and grass.Chickens are naturally attracted to seeds,and you can use these seeds to lure them to the area where you are building your farm in Minecraft. Alternatively, you can also use lead to pull them around. Since chicken...
Youtube Video Description Easy Automatic Cobblestone Farm by Shulkercraft Litematic Schematic Version 1.20.1 Other Creations FromJulian_Konrad Comments (4) This uses glitches to (i assume) duplicate the tnt Some servers have this glitch patched, so the tnt will only drop, explode, and not contin...
Minecraft Redditor's automatic chicken farm animated tutorial The post Such simplistic design (Image via Reddit) The post began with the OP showcasing the dimensions of the build in a highly simplistic way (seen above). Before describing the post, readers must know the resources they need to ...