Automatic feeders for aquariumsdoi:US3605697 ASzekely GeorgeUSUS3605697 * Jul 24, 1969 Sep 20, 1971 Szekely George Automatic feeders for aquariumsUS3605697 * 1969年7月24日 1971年9月20日 Szekely George Automatic feeders for aquariums
For Aquarium use, due to internal motion, flakes will not clump up together .When installed as directed,our innovative patented food distribution system is not affected by common moisture associated with most aquariums, and will also vastly reduce water pollution. No auger--No binding! Startling p...
I’ve owned aquariums in the past and I could tell even before I put it together, that the pump was going to be inadequate. Stay away from this product. If this is the kind of quality to expect, then stay away from any product from this company. ✘ No, I do not recommend thi...
respectively (Fig.4). Thus, higher doses of feeds prompted a significantly higher growth than low doses (multiplettest, p < 0.001). In parallel, average widths of individuals (Shellfish 0.8 ± 0.2; Compound 1.1 ± 0.2; M&S 1.2 ± 0.2) were lower at lower doses ...