W. et al. Machine-Learning Methods Enable Exhaustive Searches for Active Bimetallic Facets and Reveal Active Site Motifs for CO2 Reduction. ACS Catal. 7, 6600–6608 (2017). Article CAS Google Scholar Tran, K. & Ulissi, Z. W. Active Learning across Intermetallics to Guide Discovery of ...
Drug discovery strongly relies on the thorough evaluation of preclinical experimental studies. In the context of pulmonary fibrosis, micro-computed tomography (µCT) and histology are well-established and complementary tools for assessing, in animal models, disease progression and response to treatment....
The big change in this version of RobotReviewer is that we now deal withgroupsof clinical trial reports, rather than one at a time. This is to allow RobotReviewer to synthesise the results of multiple trials. As a consequence, the API has become more sophisticated than previously and we wil...
using the log-rank test p-value for cut point optimization is inferior to all other methods. This can be explained by the small cohort size, in particular, the small number of cases inside the cross validation folds. We also performed ANOVA over all methods, resulting in a highly significant...
Material and methods This manuscript has been revised for its publication by the Clinical Research Ethics Committee of Bellvitge University Hospital. Written informed consent was waived by this Committee, as it was a retrospective analysis of our usual everyday work. The data of the patients were ...
The method combines an automatic grasp discovery process with a visual recognition technique. When an object is seen the first time, the system experiments with it, seeking a way of grasping and lifting the object by trial and error, using visual information and input from the robot gripper. ...
When a trial was correctly completed, the virtual iPad turned green. The end of a trial was triggered when the participant's hand returned to the resting location, and the next trial began immediately. Blocks with ball stimuli were matched in all features, except that J...
The main goal of this paper is to study the behavior of subsequences uc={u(nc):n∈N} of automatic sequences u that are indexed by nc for some c>1. In particular we show that the densities of the letters of uc are precisely the same as those of the original sequence (provided that...
W. et al. Machine-Learning Methods Enable Exhaustive Searches for Active Bimetallic Facets and Reveal Active Site Motifs for CO2 Reduction. ACS Catal. 7, 6600–6608 (2017). Article CAS Google Scholar Tran, K. & Ulissi, Z. W. Active Learning across Intermetallics to Guide Discovery of ...
Materials and methods This section describes materials and methods that are utilized to run the overall experiment. Experimental setup We used Python 3.8.5-supported language libraries such as pandas (v. 1.1.3), NumPy (v. 1.21.2), SciPy (v. 1.5.2), Matplotlib (v. 3.3.2), Seaborn ( v...