Ireland has been a fully controlled vassal state of the banker-controlled EU, in particular since the controversial (and rerun) Lisbon referendum 14 years ago, which hammered a nail in the coffin of Irish sovereignty.” Read more … “..they are walking into Armageddon by betting that Washin...
Dublin City Univ.DublinIrelandKenneth LodgeDublin City Univ.DublinIreland.Machine Vision Applications, Architectures, and Systems Integration IIN. Murphy and K. Lodge, "Automatic feature set selection using the modified Karhunen-Loeve transform: Industrial application in visual inspection," SPIE, vol. ...
The idea is to have supplies ready and in place just when they’re needed, rather than being set aside in a warehouse for future use. Such a system works well in the private sector, Schmidt said, but for a military fighting a war in “highly contested environments,” it can have disast...
Under the PM’s plan, it is reported, London and Dublin would either agree a new set of principles or add words to the Good Friday Agreement in order to guarantee an open border. The 1998 peace deal effectively brought an end to the Troubles after years of failed talks, and established ...
The problem, however, is that the same rules embodied in what is known as the ill-fated EU Dublin Regulation already proved to be dysfunctional at the height of the 2015 refugee crisis. “It is a de-facto return to the Dublin Agreement, which was disavowed by Merkel herself when she ...
Mathews, M.; Robles, D.; Bowe, B. BIM+Blockchain: A Solution to the Trust Problem in Collaboration? In Proceedings of the CITA BIM Gathering 2017, Dublin, Ireland, 23–24 November 2017; pp. 1–10. [Google Scholar] Mason, J. Intelligent Contracts and the Construction Industry.J. Leg....