Automapper是一个用于对象映射的开源库,它可以帮助开发人员简化对象之间的转换过程。Automapper嵌套映射和分组是Automapper库中的两个重要概念。 1. 嵌套映射(Nested ...
Automapper - mapping a viewmodel with nested viewmodels 我有一个包含 IList 视图模型的视图模型: 12345678910 public class MyCustomViewModel { public IList<ItemViewModel> Items { set; get; } public IList&l
Use AutoMapper on your models // ... const result = await; return, UserVm, User);About An Object-Object AutoMapper module for NestJS. Topics typescript automapper nestjs Resources Readme License MIT licen...
publicclassSource{publicintId{get;set;}publicNestedSourceNested{get;set;}}publicclassNestedSource{publicstringName{get;set;}}publicclassDestination{publicintId{get;set;}publicstringNestedName{get;set;}}// Define mapping profilespublicclassMappingProfile:Profile{publicMappingProfile(){CreateMap<Source,Dest...
core:not clearing metadataMap on dispose (f2ae39c) 8.2.4(2022-04-10) Bug Fixes core:add custom node inspect to log meaningful message for Mapper (empty object as Proxy) (de9725a) 8.2.3(2022-04-07) Bug Fixes classes:use class constructor's name instead of constructor function (#452) ...
var dest=mapper.Map<OrderDto>(order); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 如果ASP.NET Core应用,则: //1. ConfigureServices里Add,入参类型为params services.AddAutoMapper(typeof(OrganizationProfile)); //2. 然后在Controller里使用即可: public XXXController(IMapper mapper) ...
MapStruct Plus is an enhancement to the MapStruct framework. It can automatically generate the transformation operation between two classes through an annotation, omitting the operation of defining the interface of MapStruct, makes Java type conversion e
public string NestedName { get; set; } } // 创建映射配置 var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => { cfg.CreateMap<SourceObject, DestinationObject>() .ForMember(dest => dest.NestedName, opt => opt.Ignore()); }); // 执行映射 ...
MapperConfiguration.CreateMap<TSource, TDestination>(); } /// <summary> /// 获取映射值 /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="TDestination"></typeparam> /// <param name="source"></param> /// <returns></returns> public TDestination Map<TDestination>( object source) where...
publicvoidTestCollectionNested() { Mapper.Initialize(cfg => { cfg.CreateMap<Order, OrderDTO>(); cfg.CreateMap<OrderLine, OrderLineDTO>(); }); varorder =newOrder(); order.AddLineItem(newOrderLine {Quantity = 10}); order.AddLineItem(newOrderLine {Quantity = 20}); ...