和PersonDto之间配置了Map。Automapper将自动处理IEnumerable<(PersonEntity, NameMode)>和IEnumerable<Person...
最近在研究AutoMapper,到Mapper.Map<List<MenuEntity>, List<MenuDto>>(list);总是返回结构数是0,而实际上list是有数据的 google了好久发现用ProjectTo可以 需添加 using AutoMapper.QueryableExtensions; 但是当我再次用先前的方法:return Mapper.Map<List<MenuEntity>, List<MenuDto>>(list); 时,又有返回值了 ...
自动映射器代码 spt_detail details = db.spt_detail.ToList(); Mapper.Initialize(n => n.CreateMap<List<spt_detail>, List<spt_detail_extended>>()); List<spt_creance_detail_enrichi> cenr = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map<List<spt_detail>, List<spt_detail_enrichi>>(details); 问题:详细信息包含 8 ...
Autocomplete restrict user to select only from the list coming autocomplete="off" not working in form AutoCompleteType not working on Chrome autofill a textbox based on another textbox input. Automapper created this type map for you, but your types cannot be mapped using the current configuration...
AutomapperMap属性作为集合 我需要将ICustomerAddresses映射到我自己的自定义对象 Address ,或者List <Address >。如何使用automapper来指示属性Customer.ICustomerAddresses映射到我的自定义地址?是ICustomerAddress的集合。但是,ICustomerAddress不是一个简单的IEnumerable,它包含包含集合的 ...
CreateMap<DBPoundSheet, PoundSheetViewModel>(); CreateMap<PoundSheetViewModel, DBPoundSheet>(); } } 在构造函数中注入你的IMapper IMapper _mapper; public PoundListController(IMapper mapper) { _mapper = mapper; } 单个对象转换 //typeof(model)="PoundSheetViewModel" ...
Will add new IObjectMapper objects into the master mapping list. Adding equivalency between two classes Adding equivalence to objects is done with EqualityComparison extended from the IMappingExpression class. cfg.CreateMap<OrderItemDTO, OrderItem>().EqualityComparison((odto, o) => odto.ID == ...
AutoMapper is simple library that takes care of Object-to-Object mappings which is otherwise boring & redundant to code every-time. An example scenario would be creating a Data Transfer Objects(DTOs) from a Data Model (Entity). The map configuration is usually done once per App domain so you...
Areas of functionality:Mapping: Map fields from a class to other class, copy objects, etc.. Config: Use your config as an object and load/save from/to file (Json/Yaml) or Windows Registry. Serialization: Serialize objects to/from json/Yaml. Scheduling: Schedule tasks launching as independent...