“窗口文本”, controlID) 设置输入焦点到指定窗口的某个控件上; – WinWait ( “title” , “...
Newest Active Bountied Unanswered More Filter -1 votes 1 answer 81 views How to make a code to recognize if a pattern is inside a string only with ? and * in autoit How to make a code to recognize if a pattern is inside a string only with ? and * in autoit. Examples function(...
How to make a code to recognize if a pattern is inside a string only with ? and * in autoit. Examples function("string","pattern",1 = sensitive\0 = no sensitive) function("... autoit Stephan 56k answeredSep 30 at 18:00 0votes ...
Active Members 1.6k 39 PostedJune 5, 2016(edited) @Milan158, welcome to AutoIt and to the forum! adding to what@AutoBertsaid: the script will exit after activating each window one time. you need to wrap the entire thing in a loop - and make the WinList() the first operation in...
AutoIt comes with a customised “lite” version of SciTe that makes editing scripts easy. Users can alsodownload a complete version of SciTethat includes additional tools to make things even easier. Standalone and Small AutoIt is a very small and standalone application with no reliance on massive...
AutoIt comes with a customised “lite” version of SciTe that makes editing scripts easy. Users can alsodownload a complete version of SciTethat includes additional tools to make things even easier. Standalone and Small AutoIt is a very small and standalone application with no reliance on massive...
WinWaitActive("[CLASS:AcrobatSDIWindow]", "", 10) ; 如果窗口未激活或超时,记录错误信息到日志文件 If Not WinActive("[CLASS:AcrobatSDIWindow]") Then FileWriteLine($sLogFilePath, _Now() & ": Error opening file: " & $sFilePath)
AutoIt comes with a customised “lite” version of SciTe that makes editing scripts easy. Users can alsodownload a complete version of SciTethat includes additional tools to make things even easier. Standalone and Small AutoIt is a very small and standalone application with no reliance on massive...
Make sure that upload file window is opened on the back ground and the control is not over the edit field. Note: If you scroll down the help window for any command, you will get a detailed example which is quite easy to use and understand. That's why in the beginning of this tutoria...
active memory, which means your script can access it much, much faster than the time it would take to make a new pixel request from the screen. Once a SnapShot is taken, search operations can be performed on that SnapShot until that memory is freed or overwritten. It is possible to ...