Overlap syndromePrimary biliary cirrhosisPrimary sclerosing cholangitisImmunosuppressionAutoimmune hepatitis (AIH) is an immune-mediated, autodestructive liver disease with hepatocytes as target cells, mostly affecting young women. Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) is also regarded as an autoimmune liver disease...
Lohse AW, et al. Characterization of the overlap syndrome of primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) and autoimmune hepatitis: evidence for it being a hepatitic form of PBC in genetically susceptible individuals. Hepatology. 1999;29(4):1078–84. ArticleCASPubMedGoogle Scholar Boberg KM, et al. Overlap...
Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) is an immune-mediated, autodestructive liver disease with hepatocytes as target cells, mostly affecting young women. Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) is also regarded as an autoimmune liver disease with bile duct epithelia as the target cells, resulting in a continuous loss...
Primary sclerosing cholangitis is increasingly diagnosed in children and adolescents, due to the greater spread of magnetic resonance cholangiography, but its long-term prognosis remains uncertain. Its overlap with autoimmune hepatitis (overlap syndrome) can respond to the same treatment used for autoimmune...
Neuhauser M, Bjornsson E, Treeprasertsuk S, et al. Autoimmune hepatitis-PBC overlap syndrome: a simplified scoring system may assist in the diagnosis.Am J Gastroenterol. 2010;105:345–353. ArticlePubMedCASGoogle Scholar Silveira MG, Talwalkar JA, Angulo P, Lindor KD. Overlap of autoimmune hep...
PBC primary biliary cirrhosisprimary biliary cirrhosisBackground & Aims The prevalence of and the most appropriate way to diagnose the primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC)–chronic autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) overlap syndrome are uncertain. We investigated the prevalence of PBC and AIH and their level of ...
Primary biliary cirrhosis-autoimmune hepatitis overlap syndrome: Clinical features and response to therapy The association of primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) and autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) is thought to be rare, and its optimal treatment is unknown. Of 130 conse... O Chazouillères,D Wendum,L ...
autoimmune hepatitis/primary biliary cholangitisfibrosisliver cirrhosisoverlap syndromeprimary biliary cholangitisOverlap syndrome (OS) is a rare condition that shares characteristics of at least two other recognized diseases, whose early diagnosis impacts treatment decisions and prognosis since the unfavorable ...
The overlap syndrome raises several questions. First could these patients have two coincident autoimmune diseases? Such possibility cannot be discarded in particular in the setting of consecutive occurrence of the two conditions (eg, PBC followed by AIH) and this is consistent with the fact that aut...
Autoimmune hepatitis/sclerosing cholangitis overlap syndrome in childhood: A 16-year prospective study. Hepatology 33, 544–553 (2001). CAS Google Scholar Mieli-Vergani, G. et al. Diagnosis and management of paediatric autoimmune liver disease: ESPGHAN Hepatology Committee position statement. J. ...