{Home}Return}keyFunc_moveWordLeft(i:=1){SendInput,^{Left%i%}Return}keyFunc_moveWordRight(i:=1){SendInput,^{Right%i%}Return}keyFunc_selectUp(i:=1){SendInput, +{Up%i%}return}keyFunc_selectDown(i:=1){SendInput, +{Down%i%}return}keyFunc_selectLeft(i:=1){SendInput, +{Left...
#HotkeyModifierTimeout 影响热键修饰符的行为:CTRL、ALT、WIN 和 SHIFT。 #Hotstring 改变热字串选项或终止符。 #If 类似于 #IfWinActive,但可以是任意类型的表达式。 #IfTimeout 设置计算单个 #If 表达式可以使用的最大时间。 #IfWinActive / #IfWinExist 创建上下文相关的热键和热字串。这样的热键会根据窗口...
[ iHotkey = ] ShellLinkObject.Hotkey(iHotkey) [ = iHotkey ] /* iHotkey Integer that specifies or receives the link's hot key code. The virtual key code is in the low-order byte, and the modifier flags are in the high-order byte. The modifier flags can be a combination of the...
Using an arbitrary key as a modifier, without sacrificing it (比如空格) 链接 blocks: 尖括号多用不会错, 方便理解 as in this example where the block forces the Else statement to belong to the first If statement rather than the second: ahk的coding style: One True Brace (OTB):puts the bloc...
space::switchDesktopToRight() <- <Win> + <Alt> + <Space> will switch to next desktop ; CapsLock & n::switchDesktopToRight() <- <CapsLock> + <N> will switch to the next desktop (& is necessary when using non-modifier key such as CapsLock) ; === ; === END OF INSTRUCTIONS =...
#HotkeyModifierTimeout #修饰热键超时 #HotkeyInterval #热键频率 #MaxHotkeysPerInterval #最大热键频率 #MaxThreadsPerHotkey #单热键最大线程数 #MaxThreadsBuffer #最大线程缓冲 #MaxThreads #最大线程数 #SuspendExempt #避免挂起 #ClipboardTimeout #剪贴板超时 #WinActivateForce #强制激活窗口 #ErrorStdOut...
否则只能先按RAlt才能激活 ; 关于修饰键参阅: https://wyagd001.github.io/zh-cn/docs/KeyList.htm#modifier ; ~ 也很重要,表示触发热键时,按键中的原有功能不会被屏蔽(对操作系统隐藏)。 ; 用于屏蔽部分应用会对Alt按下进行响应(主要是作用于菜单栏快捷操作) *RAlt::ToolTip RAlt键已经被重新映射为自...
Send("{Esc}") ; send Esc key } return } ; capture any key with Ctrl key down ~^*a:: ; * means can be used with any modifier key, ~ means donot block the original key, ^ means Ctrl key, a means the key is a ~^*b:: ...
An efficiency tool that provides various functions by enhancing the Caps Lock key into a modifier key. keyboardtoolefficiencyshortcutautohotkeyhotkeycapslock UpdatedNov 3, 2024 AutoHotkey repeats/Repeat Star1.1k Code Issues Pull requests Cross-platform mouse/keyboard record/replay and automation hotkeys...
• Runs on Windows 10 in S-Mode • ARM64 native release (Released by forbs and not part of the official Autohotkey) What's New in Version 1.1137.101.0 v1.1.37.01 Fixed an issue with hotkeys not firing due to a race condition. If a modifier hotkey such as ~*RWin:: called Send...