Do you want a script that would allow regular right-clicks, but when right mouse button is held down also hold down "1"? #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and ...
I am new to AutoHotKey. Last couple of days, I have been looking for one script that suits my need but couldn't find anywhere. My problem is, I want to Drag and Hold Left Mouse button and keep holding it as long as a Key is being pressed. ...
; the left, right, and middle mouse buttons. Available numbers are 1 through 32.; Use the Joystick Test Script to find out your joystick's numbers more easily.ButtonLeft = 1ButtonRight = 2ButtonMiddle = 3; If your joystick has a POV control, you can use it as a mouse wheel. The;...
以把你写的script理解为一个机器人,它可以做你想让它做的任何事情。 AutoHotKey在国外使用的很普遍,国内也有很大的用户群,大家只要Google 一下就知道了,AutoHotKey之前的版本是AutoIt2,现在newest的版本是 AutoIt3,但是AutoHotKey还是一个比较经典的版本,最新的版本是,建议大家 ...
Script last updated on May 20, 2020. Version Added ability to map the mouse wheel to keys in the keylist helper Wheel keys can't be used to hold down buttons, since wheels don't send an UP keystroke like all the other keys. Added a Save button to the settings, so you ...
AutoHotKey使用教程AutoHotKey 使用教程一何为 AutoHotKey AutoHotKey是一个免费开源的小软件,很小只有1964 KB,但是功能却非常强大,它几乎可以做键盘鼠标和操纵杆可以做的任何事情。它可以把人力完全的 安装:按提示操作即可。xbeta习惯上装在 d:\program files\AutoHotkey 第1屏是欢迎;点Next。 第2屏是版权声明;点I Agree。 第3屏是安装内容:如下图。建议选中前2项,不选第3项。 图1 选择需要安装的组件 第4屏是安装目录:xbeta的习惯是 D:\Program Files\AutoHotkey 可以看到,...
通过WinLIRC client script.对外部设备的信号进行回应 可以运行AutoITv2的脚本 将自动化脚本转变成exe文件 都是机翻 官网截图 软件很小,不支持续传 此外,win系统自带的一些快捷键也不可忽视: 代码语言:javascript 复制 ;Windows系统默认的Win快捷键:;Win+E:打开资源管理器;;Win+D:显示桌面;;Win+F:打开查找对话框...
+ DEFAULT: Toggle `Mouse Button 4` to spam `1` at 150ms. + All keys and delay can be customized in the CONFIG section. + Key modifiers (Shift, Alt, Ctrl) should work properly. + This AHK script will only work if WoW window is active. This option can be disabled in the script....
AutoHotKey是⼀个免费开源的⼩软件,很⼩(只有1964 KB),但是功能却⾮常强⼤,它⼏乎可以做键盘、⿏标和操纵杆可以做的任何事情。它可以把⼈⼒完全的释放出来,前提只要你编写⼀个后缀为.ahk的脚本。如果你愿意,你完全可以把你写的script理解为⼀个机器⼈,它可以做你想让它做的任何事情。A...