If the script works, then how did you run it, and what is different about what you are trying to do now? I dont know. When im running this .exe or .ahk in topic it wont work and shows me this error with file not found
4.文件和系统操作(File & System Operations) 文件操作:AHK 提供了对文件的读取、写入、删除、重命名等操作的支持,可以用来自动化文件管理任务。 示例: ahkCopy Code FileDelete, C:\path\to\file.txt ; 删除文件 FileAppend, Thisissometext., C:\path\to\file.txt ; 向文件中追加文本 系统信息获取:通过 ...
GuiClose: ; Indicate that the script should exit automatically when the window is closed. ExitApp Return GuiSize: ; Expand or shrink the ListView in response to the user's resizing of the window. if A_EventInfo = 1 ; The window has been minimized. No action needed. return ; Otherwise,...
AutoHotKey使用教程AutoHotKey 使用教程一何为 AutoHotKey AutoHotKey是一个免费开源的小软件,很小只有1964 KB,但是功能却非常强大,它几乎可以做键盘鼠标和操纵杆可以做的任何事情。它可以把人力完全的
Gui,+LastFound WinSet,ReDraw; Invalidate the list-view return GuiEscape: GuiClose:; Indicate that the script should exit automatically when the window is closed. ExitApp Return GuiSize:; Expand or shrink the ListView in response to the user's resizing of the window. ...
AHKScript Github organisation Forks AutoHotkey_H + AutoHotkey.dll Pocket PCs(WinCE) KeySharp, a .NET rewrite(cross-platform, alpha stage), a continuation ofIronAHK. AutoHotkey sends several tools into retirement. It unites hotkey and text macros, and offers a scripting language which is more pow...
How can I run an AutoHotkey script at Windows startup? To run an AutoHotkey script at Windows startup, you can place a shortcut to the script in the Windows startup folder. First, locate the script file on your computer. Then, press Win+R to open the run dialog, type "shell:startup...
; Script Function: ; Check Update of AutoHotkey. ; #SingleInstance ignore Menu, Tray, NoStandard Menu, tray, add, 关于(&A) Menu, tray, add, 版本信息(&I) Menu, tray, add, 检查更新(&U) Menu, tray, add, 退出程序(&X) Menu, Tray, Default, 版本信息(&I) ...
第一次亲密接触 AutoHotkey 续 [原] 安装 AutoHotkey 后右键菜单会多了一些命令,如新建 AutoHotkey Script 命令,这将 新建一个 ahk 文件。 同时AutoHotkey 还关联了*.ahk 文件,直接双击它将运行脚本,在其上点右键会有关联 命令菜单。如下图,从上至下分别是运行脚本、编译脚本和编辑脚本的命令。 点击 “Edit ...
AutoHotKey是⼀个免费开源的⼩软件,很⼩(只有1964 KB),但是功能却⾮常强⼤,它⼏乎可以做键盘、⿏标和操纵杆可以做的任何事情。它可以把⼈⼒完全的释放出来,前提只要你编写⼀个后缀为.ahk的脚本。如果你愿意,你完全可以把你写的script理解为⼀个机器⼈,它可以做你想让它做的任何事情。A...