右击.ahk文件,选择“Edit Script”进入文件开始编辑,在.ahk文件中输入指令代码并保存,左键双击运行该.ahk文件即可实现按键的映射替换(双击后右下角会出现AutoHotKey运行图标代表正在执行),代码非常非常简单,下面是举例。 2.1 单个按键替换 代码举例: A::B C::Ctrl D::Shift 以上代码表示: 按“键A”=按“键B。
Right-Click on your desktop. 右键点击桌面 Find "New" in the menu. 弹出菜单中选择“新建” Click "AutoHotkey Script" inside the "New" menu. 点击AutoHotkey Script子菜单 Give the script a new name. It must end with a .ahk extension. 重命名文件 ...
,所需工具: AHK(AutoHotkey) 工具说明:键盘,鼠标等的脚本模拟工具,可以监听,触发键盘和鼠标的动作。...下载: https://www.autohotkey.com/download/ 如何创建脚本参考官方说明: How to create a script Right-Click on yo...
右击.ahk文件,选择“Edit Script”进入文件开始编辑,在.ahk文件中输入指令代码并保存,左键双击运行该.ahk文件即可实现按键的映射替换(双击后右下角会出现AutoHotKey运行图标代表正在执行),代码非常非常简单,下面是举例。 2.1 单个按键替换 代码举例:A::BC::CtrlD::Shift 以上代码表示: 按“键A”=按“键B。 按“...
You can also go back to “Saving a Snippet” and try saving the script with a different character encoding. Exiting the Script When you’re done working with a script, right-click its system tray icon and select Exit. READ NEXT
So I used this script to be able to rapid right click extremely fast: Code: Select all - Download - Line numbers - Word wrap - V1 Ins::Suspend *RButton:: Loop { SetMouseDelay 1 Click Right If (GetKeyState("RButton","P")=0) Break } It works great, but I would like it to...
holding right click doesn't aim down sights, but does the third person aim, and you have to click right click in order to toggle ADS or double right click to hold ads, which is very awkward for anyone who has any FPS experience, and currently there is no way to change how this funct...
;跟随右键 If dllRight.addFile(RightClickScript) ;添加鼠标左键跟随脚本,但不执行 { ;将窗口名字赋给加载的脚本文件 dllRight.ahkassign.v_WindowName := v_WindowName ;将休息时间传递到线程脚本中 dllRight.ahkassign.v_NormalSleep := v_NormalSleep ;运行脚本中的operation模块开始跟随操作 dllRight.ahkLa...
; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_Script...
Edit 命令使用关联的编辑器打开当前脚本进行编辑,相当于托盘图标菜单的"Edit This Script"命令。 213、是否允许某脚本重复次运行? #SingleInstance [force|ignore|off] 参数 FORCE 将跳过对话框,并自动地替换旧的实例,实际上同 Reload 命令相似。参数IGNORE 将跳过对话框,并让旧的实例运行。单词 OFF 允许多个脚本...