enter::;最爱代码之窗口置顶 WinGet ow,id,AWinTopToggle(ow)returnWinTopToggle(w){WinGetTitle,oTitle,ahk_id%w%Winset,AlwaysOnTop,Toggle,ahk_id%w%WinGet,ExStyle,ExStyle,ahk_id%w%if(ExStyle&0x8);0x8为WS_EX_TOPMOST.在WinGet的帮助中 oTop=置顶elseoTop=取消置顶 tooltip%oTitle%%oTop%SetTime...
oTitle, ahk_id %w% Winset, AlwaysOnTop, Toggle, ahk_id %w% WinGet, ExStyle, ExStyle, ahk_id %w% if (ExStyle & 0x8) ; 0x8 为 WS_EX_TOPMOST.在WinGet的帮助中 oTop = 置顶 else oTop = 取消置顶 tooltip %oTitle% %oTop% SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 5000 return RemoveToolTip...
; This script makes it much easier to move or resize a window: 1) Hold down ; the ALT key and LEFT-click anywhere inside a window to drag it to a new ; location; 2) Hold down ALT and RIGHT-click-drag anywhere inside a window ; to easily resize it; 3) Press ALT twice, but be...
1) Call VarSetCapacity(MyStruct, 123, 0) to ensure that the target variable is large enough to hold the structure's data. Replace 123 with a number that is at least as large as the size of the structure. Specifying zero as the last parameter is optional; it initializes all members to...
SetEnv, keystate, down return Autohotkey - Auto Hotkey Script for scrolling, How to assign hotkey of pressing Alt key twice (Alt+Release+Alt) in Autohotkey? 0. How to properly "hold down" a multi-key "toggle looping this" hotkey? 0. Auto HotKey, Toggle: Hold Shift, Click and relea...
C-M-qworks as a toggle switch to suspend and resume the execution of this script. PressingC-M-qis the same as selecting "Suspend Hotkeys" from the right-click menu in the AutoHotkey task bar icon. Sometimes it may not work as expected... ...
HoldDown_Modular_2Key [MB4MB5_12].ahk Renamed file. Feb 3, 2019 HoldDown_Modular_3Key [123_123].ahk Create HoldDown_Modular_3Key [123_123].ahk Mar 30, 2019 LICENSE Initial commit Sep 13, 2018 README.md Update README.md Jun 3, 2021 Toggle_Classic_1Key [1-1].ahk Renamed file...
Added ability to map the mouse wheel to keys in the keylist helper Wheel keys can't be used to hold down buttons, since wheels don't send an UP keystroke like all the other keys. Added a Save button to the settings, so you can save and apply your settings without closing the window...
#T:: ; 切换窗口置顶状态 WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, TOGGLE, A ; A在AutoHotkey里表示当前活动窗口的标题 ; 获取窗口置顶状态 WinGet, ExStyle, ExStyle, A If (ExStyle & 0x8) { ; 0x8 为 WS_EX_TOPMOST.在WinGet的帮助中 ToolTip 置顶} Else { ToolTip 取消置顶 } Sleep 1000 ; 关闭ToolTip 提示 ...