Free keyboard macro program. Supports hotkeys for keyboard, mouse, and joystick. Can expand abbreviations as you type them (AutoText).
传播优秀Word版文档 ,希望对您有帮助,可双击去除AutoHotKey使用教程http:pikkaAutoHotKey使用教程一何为AutoHotKeyAutoHotKey是一个免费开源的小软件,很小只有1964
如果你愿意,你完全可以把你写的script理解为一个机器人,它可以做你想让它做的任何事情。 AutoHotKey在国外使用的很普遍,国内也有很大的用户群,大家只要/search?q=autohotkeysourceid=navclient-ffie=UTF-8rlz=1B2GGFB_zh-CNCN231CN231Google一下就知道了,AutoHotKey之前的版本是AutoIt2,现在newest的版本是AutoIt3,...
I removed the UserLuaScript.lua and AutoComplete.lua files from my SciTE folder and restarted with no error. P.S.: Lexicos' AutoComplete auto-completes any word, e.g. variables, while the built-in AutoComplete only auto-completes commands. Last edited by iPhilip on 15 May 2022, 20:37...
variables in autohotkey are used to store and manipulate data. they are declared using the:= operator. for example, myvariable := "hello" assigns the string "hello" to the variable named "myvariable." you can then use the variable in your script to dynamically modify text, numbers, or ...
("FTP",21,"", "login", "pass", "/remoteserver/somefolder", "\\localserver\someshare", "*.txt") ; How to use variables ;loginVariable:= "loginName" ;passwordVariable:= "myPass" ;FTPDownload("SFTP", 22, "", loginVariable, passwordVariable, ...
;~ ... 2. In order to facilitate this script to be included in other scripts as a library (#Include <FindText.ahk>), ;~ ... no custom global variables are used, and the label of subprogram is greatly reduced. ;~ Updated to 6.7 version - 2019/04/13 ;~...
full_command_line := DllCall("GetCommandLine", "str") if not (A_IsAdmin or RegExMatch(full_command_line, " /restart(?!\S)")) { try ; leads to having the script re-launching itself as administrator { if A_IsCompiled Run *RunAs "%A_ScriptFullPath%" /restart ...
Documentation for AutoHotkey. Contribute to AutoHotkey/AutoHotkeyDocs development by creating an account on GitHub.