f4:: { MouseGetPos (&MouseX, &MouseY) pos:= &MouseX , &MouseY ;I want to add tooltip showing the pos, but don't know how to A_Clipboard := "" A_Clipboard := pos Send "^c" ClipWait 2, 1 MsgBox "Copied position" } 我觉得答案很简单,但我查了一圈却什么也没找到。autohotkey...
MouseGetPos, x, y if (oldx=x and oldy=y) Continue oldx:=x, oldy:=y ;--- Gui, Show, % "NA x" (x-w//2) " y" (y-h//2) ToolTip, % "The Capture Position : " x "," y . "`nFirst click RButton to start capturing" . "`nSecond click RButton to end capture" } U...
MouseGetPos,KDE_X2,KDE_Y2 ; Get the current mouse position. KDE_X2 -= KDE_X1 ; Obtain an offset from the initial mouse position. KDE_Y2 -= KDE_Y1 KDE_WinX2 := (KDE_WinX1 + KDE_X2) ; Apply this offset to the window position. KDE_WinY2 := (KDE_WinY1 + KDE_Y2) WinM...
UseMouseGetPosto get the mouse position. UseImageSearchto find the images.https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=76&t=83792 Compute the distances.https://autohotkey.com/board/topic/43366-calculating-distance/ UseClickto click on the image with the smallest distance. ...
MouseGetPos,,,win WinGet,winid,id,%class% if win = %winid% Return,1 Else Return,0 } ;=== windows_vista 这种连字符分隔的能否支持? 答:升级版如下 ;tmplinshi ; 功能: 切换选中文字大小写 ; 参数: Mode - 可以为 L (小写)、U (
mouse_move(100, 100) x, y = await ahk.get_mouse_position() print(x, y) asyncio.run(main()) The async API is identical to that of the normal API, with a few notable differences: While properties (like .mouse_position or .title for windows) can be awaited, additional methods (like...
MouseGetPos,xpos,ypos WinGetPos,x,y,w,hxw:=lastXW WinGetTitle,title IfInString,title,Chrome{xw:=x+wlastXW:=xw}pY:=yposifpY<200pY:=200MouseClick,Right,xw-10,pY MouseMove,xpos,ypos sleep,20Send{T}sleep,20Send{T};MouseMove,lastX,ypos;DllCall("SetCursorPos","int",lastX,"int",y...
mpos:=InStr(temp, ".m") ;.m position if ((Length-mpos)==1) { Clipboard=run("%temp%")`n MouseClick, Left, 900, 600 ;折腾乐半天也没有搞定根据控件激活窗口,这个左键点击是根据winspy获得的 Send, ^v } Else { MsgBox 不是matlab脚本!
IfWinActive, BlueStacks App Player for Windows (beta-1)Loop{ ifWinActive, BlueStacks App Player for Windows (beta-1) isGameWindows:=true else isGameWindows:=false sleep,10if (isGameWindows) { if (GetKeyState("d")) { DllCall("SetCursorPos", int, ...
mouse_move(100, 100) x, y = await ahk.get_mouse_position() print(x, y) asyncio.run(main()) The async API is identical to that of the normal API, with a few notable differences: While properties (like .mouse_position or .title for windows) can be awaited, additional methods (like...