Re: Question about loop with arrow keys Posted:11 Mar 2022, 20:56 bymikeyww Go: Send {%key%} F1:: SetTimer, Go, % ("Off", on := !on) SoundBeep, 1000 + 500 * on Return #If on Left:: Right:: Up:: Down::SetTimer, Go, % (20, key := A_ThisHotkey) ...
热键(Hotkey)用于触发特定的操作或脚本,通过组合键或单键来定义,语法为快捷键::动作。例如,^a::MsgBox You pressed Ctrl+A!表示按下Ctrl+A时弹出一个消息框。 热字串(Hotstring)用于自动替换或展开文本,语法为::[options]::StringToReplace::ReplacementString。例如,::\addr::123 Main St, New York, NY表...
Hello, I have got problem with code bellow (RMB Break doesn't work), I want to break the loop in LabelA by clicking RMB key. Any ideas how to do it? Code: Select all - Expand - Download - Line numbers - Word wrap - V1 global klub global czy:= false global abc:= 0 ;@@@ ...
AutoHotKey使用教程AutoHotKey 使用教程一何为 AutoHotKey AutoHotKey是一个免费开源的小软件,很小只有1964 KB,但是功能却非常强大,它几乎可以做键盘鼠标和操纵杆可以做的任何事情。它可以把人力完全的
return ; Make the F1 key into a hotkey (the $ symbol facilitates the "P" mod ; Since no number is specified with it, this is an infinite loop unles e of GetKeyState below). s "break" or "return" is encountered inside. if not GetKeyState("F1", "P") physically released the F1...
; try out these hotkeys, run AutoHotkey again, which will load this file. ;#s:: ;Send, Sincerely,{enter}John Smith ;return ;在上面的例子中,除了{enter}意外所有的字符都被逐字发送,因为{enter}模拟了回车键。下面的将举例说明一些其它常用的特殊字符: ...
thishotkeyevenwhenmodiferkey(s)aredown. ~热键被触发后,动作不会被阻塞 AutoHotKey使用教程(五)---按键重映射 按键重映射的语法格式:OriginKey::DestinationKey。请看下面的例子: a::b 在上面的例子中体会以下几点: 1)使用键盘敲“a“,会自动映射成”b“ 2...
LAlt&Capslock::SetCapsLockState,%GetKeyState("CapsLock","T")?"Off":"On";===#enter::;最大化窗口 WinGet,S,MinMax,AifS=0WinMaximize,AelseifS=1WinRestore,AelseifS=-1WinRestore,Areturn!enter::;最爱代码之窗口置顶 WinGet ow,id,AWinTopToggle(ow)returnWinTopToggle(w){WinGetTitle,oTitle...
Fixed Try/Catch to allow If/Loop/For/While with no enclosing block. Fixed enumerator object not being released when Until is used to break a For-loop. - September 15, 2011 Fixed FileRemoveDir setting ErrorLevel incorrectly.
~Alt:: ;比如你可以用上面的方法,用AutoHotkey驱动蜂鸣器发出声音if (A_ThisHotkey = A_PriorHotkey && A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < 200) /*检测按键或按钮的双击*/loop,1500{ var += 1 SoundBeep, var, 500}return ^+,:: ;将当前复制的内容存储到小海临时剪切板的库存中,等待下一条命令的临时调用,ctrl...