(*) + < Ctrl+End > to terminate AHK script. (*) (*) This command can be used outside WoW. (2) Classic - Two Keys A simple and classic toggle AHK macro to spam 2 keys. Default: Toggle 1 to spam 1 @ 150 ms delay; Toggle 2 to spam 2 @ 150 ms delay. Click here to read...
AutoHotKey script to stay pressed a ALT button of, 1 Answer. This will press ALT down when you press F2 and toggle it off when you press F2 agian. Down := false *F2:: Down := !Down If Down Send {ALT Down} else Send {ALT Up} return. ...
Page 1 of 3 - SendInput DllCall - posted in Ask for Help: Dear Chris (Or anyone else willing to assist me), Im sorry if this is wasting your time, but Ive been working on fairly basic autoclickers for the game I play called BF2. Ive found that t