Previously, the ONNX compilation code would crash if RandomForest's model directory was not yet created. This didn't trigger in normal usage, but it does if we want to compile prior to saving the original model. This PR fixes this by ensuring the parent directory is created. By submitting...
Issue #, if available: Description of changes: Add RF ONNX compilation unit test By submitting this pull request, I confirm that you can use, modify, copy, and redistribute this contribution, und...
AutoGluon's state-of-the-art tools for hyperparameter optimization, such as ASHA, Hyperband, Bayesian Optimization and BOHB have moved to the stand-alone package syne-tune. To learn more, checkout our paper "Model-based Asynchronous Hyperparameter and Neural Architecture Search" arXiv preprint ar...
It might be that the model is not robust enough, and there are outputs Nan value in prediction head. We have changed the default preset to use YOLOX-large instead of YOLOX-small to make it more robust. If this error still exists, try to decrease the learning rate as suggested in Megvi...