This paper describes the implementation of autofocusing for tissue microscopy. We first investigate the suitability of several criterion functions for the evaluation of image sharpness. Since tissue sections are invariably stained, we also discuss the selection of the colour component on which autofocusing...
optical device- a device for producing or controlling light Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Translations Spanish / Español Select a language: autofocus [ˈɔːtəʊfəʊkəs]N(Phot) →autofocom, autoenfoquem ...
Autofocusing technologies for whole slide imaging and automated microscopy Whole slide imaging (WSI) has moved digital pathology closer to diagnostic practice in recent years. Due to the inherent tissue topography variability, acc... Z Bian,C Guo,S Jiang,... - 《Journal of Biophotonics》 被引量...
Cytological techniques are widely employed, because collection of cell samples for analysis is generally less invasive than traditional surgical pathological procedures such as biopsies, whereby a tissue specimen is excised from the patient using specialized biopsy needles having spring loaded translatable st...
A robust holographic autofocusing criterion based on edge sparsity:Comparison of Gini index and Tamura coefficient for holographic autofocusing based on the edge sparsity of the complex optical wavefrontOptical imagingMicroscopyDigital holographyHolographic autofocusing...