It is fully client-sided and works on vanilla servers (and should also work on other servers, but I didn't test it.) If you want a Fabric version, checkthisout (note that it is not made by me and this mod is created by me completed from scratch) Usage 1. Go to control and set...
A Minecraft Autofish mod for the Fabric Mod Loader About the fork The fork is to build a Minecraft post-1.19.3 version of the mod. Changes are from the upstream pull requests and stated in the commit messages. I archived the fork and...
1.14版本需要基于Fabric 1.13版本需要前置Rift 1.12以及更早版本需要前置Liteloader 如果不会安装Mod,请点击查看我的世界Mod安装教程。 如发现网盘资源被吞,或者网盘资源不存在,请在下方评论中说明,我们将会尽快进行修复。 【百度网盘提取码:68fr】【360云盘提取码:93e0】【官方下载】 ...
1. Install theFabric Mod Loader. 2. Download theFabric APIand place the .jar file in the /.minecraft/mods/ folder. 3. Download Autofish and place the .jar file in the /.minecraft/mods/ folder. 4. Launch Minecraft using the Fabric profile. Forge 1. InstallForge. 2. DownloadCloth Config...
Note: Putting the mod into the "mods" folder of a server will NOT do anything. There is also NO Fabric version of this mod, as there are other fishing mods for Fabric already. Why did I make this? To answer that, we need to talk aboutparallel universethe 1.16 update of Minecraft. ...
# Mod Properties mod_version=1.21.0-SNAPSHOT maven_group=troy.autofish archives_base_name=autofish # Fabric Properties # check these on or minecraft_version=1.21 yarn_mappings=1.21+build.2 ...
1. Install theFabric Mod Loader. 2. Download theFabric APIand place the .jar file in the /.minecraft/mods/ folder. 3. Download Autofish and place the .jar file in the /.minecraft/mods/ folder. 4. Launch Minecraft using the Fabric profile. ...
Heres the info given by the crash helper mod: BigClarkymentioned this issueNov 3, 2022 Force Multiplayer Detection helps a lot but I still get the crash eventually. I think it is triggered by load (f.e. when compiling something on the laptop while Minecraft...
Members secret_genesisOwner
Update gradle and wrapper Jun 11, 2021 settings.gradle Initial commit Aug 22, 2019 Autofish A Minecraft Autofish mod for the Fabric Mod Loader Releases 5tags Packages No packages published Contributors6...