1. Aleaderin agovernmentwhowieldscompleteandtotalpower.Whileautocratsdonotexistinpractice,dictatorshipsoftenconcentratepowerinonlyafewpersons. 2. Apersonwhobelievesthatautocracyis adesirableformofgovernment. FarlexFinancialDictionary.©2012Farlex,Inc.AllRightsReserved ...
Glorious Revolution through the complete elimination of the autocratic monarchy Britain, durable established parliamentary sovereignty. This is in the United Kingdom created a new form of government model. It laid the foundation for the monarchy ...
Of, or relating to, or exhibiting strict obedience to an authority; favoring authoritarianism over civic and individual liberties. The authoritarian personality Autocratic Of or pertaining to autocracy or to an autocrat; absolute; holding independent and arbitrary powers of government. Authoritarian Demandi...
"absolute sovereign; ruler or monarch who holds power of government as by right, not subject to restrictions," 1800, in reference to the Russian tsars, who assumed it as a title, then to Napoleon, from Frenchautocrate, from Latinized form of Greekautokratēs"ruling by oneself, absolute, a...
government,form of 国家政权的组织形式。政体是与国体相适应的。政体由国体决定,并服务于国体,而国体则通过政体来表现。各国历史条件和社会传统不同,政体作为政权组织形式是多样的。国体相同的国家可以采取不同的政体。古希腊思想家亚里士多德曾把奴隶制国家的政体分为君主专制制、贵族共和制、民主共和制以及与此相应...
Discussion on Disintegration ofAutarchyby Greek Skepticism; 论古希腊怀疑主义对专制的消解 2. According to Alexis de Tocqueville, a relatively independent and a pluralistic society is as indispensable as the "Let power limit power" constitutional government system in efforts to check autarchy and tyranny...
An autocracy is a system of government in which one person—an autocrat—holds all political, economic, social, and military power. ... Today, most autocracies exist in the form of absolute monarchies, such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Morocco, and dictatorships, such as North Korea, Cuba...
They had the gift of combining progressive ideas, self-government and autocratic leadership. A few examples of leadership includes:The rise of the Roman Empire under the leadership of Julius Caesar The first mass production of cars under management of Henry Ford The start of a network of roads ...
Government work and not under copyright protection in the US; foreign copyright protection may apply 2024 Abstract A large and growing number of international organizations (IOs) are made up and gov- erned by illiberal or outright authoritarian regimes. Many of these authoritarian IOs (AIOs) ...
In this way, through the Glorious Revolution of England completely eliminated absolutism, durable established parliamentary sovereignty. This is in the United Kingdom created a new form of government model. It laid the foundation for the monarchy ...