How to change the units of a drawing in AutoCAD products, such as from Imperial (feet/inches) to Metric (mm, cm, m), or vice versa. These are the main methods to convert drawing units. Alternative 1 (preferred method): Use -DWGUNITS Enter the -DWGUNITS c
当执行units命令后,系统将弹出如图1217所示的“图形单位”对话框。 打开“室内设计施工图模板”样板文件,在“图形单位”对话框中将长度选项组类型设为“小数”,精度设为“0”。取消角度选项组的“顺时针”复选框,设置角度类型为“十进制度数”,精度为“0”,其他选项为默认。设置完成后单击“确定”退出“图形单位”...
其它一些选项根据需要调整,无需注意地方。 单位的设置(Units):单位设置的选项中,我发现有人喜欢在长度的精度选项上选用0,即是以个位来作为单位。对这点,我建议改为小数点后3~4位。在最开始的篇章里,我强调过准确是AUTOCAD使用的三大基本点之一。如果我们把长度精度定义为个位,那将会忽略掉许多微小的错误,比如1000...
The scale factor for a drawing done in units of a meter will have to beadjusted by X/1000 where X is the scale factor if it were done in mm. So if you need a viewport to plot to a scale of 1:250 you must divide the 250by 1000, 1:(250/1000) = 1:.25, now div...
AutoCAD LT - Alternate units in Dim Styleneillyditt 11-09-2022 03:44 AM Hello. Could you help me. I'm trying to dimension a drawing both in metric and imperial. I have got as far as getting dims in mm above dims in feet but I want the imperial shown in Feet and inches rat...
DDUNITS 控制坐标和角度的显示格式及精度 DDUNITS unDDVIEW 创建和恢复视图 DDVIEW vDDVPOINT 设置三维观察方向 DDVPOINT vpDELAY 在脚本文件中提供指定时间的暂停DIM 进入标注模式DIMALIGNED 创建对齐线性标注 DIMALIGNED dal, dimaliDIMANGULAR 创建角度标注 DIMANGULAR dan, dimangDIMBASELINE 从前一个或选择的标注的第...
You may also need to change the paths in your project properties.The following libraries are automatically installed:JIC1/JIC125 USA Standard (Inch units) IEC2/IEC4/IEC 60617 European Standard (MM units) JIS2 Japanese Standard (MM units) GB2 Chinese Standard (MM units) AS2 Australian Standard...
单位的设置(Units):单位设置的选项中,我发现有人喜欢在长度的精度选项上选用0, 20、即是以个位来作为单位。对这点,我建议改为小数点后34位。在最开始的篇章里,我强调过准确是AUTOCAD使用的三大基本点之一。如果我们把长度精度定义为个位,那将会忽略掉许多微小的错误,比如1000的线段,实际上却被画成了999.97。在...
AutoCAD常用命令 1、用Pline(或pl)命令画2D图形上通过特殊点的折线,经Pedit命令中Fit或Spline曲线拟合,可变成光滑的平面曲线。 2、相对坐标输入点时,在正交状态时,一般输入为:@x,0或@0,y (例如输入相对坐标“@100,0”表示下一点相对上一点X方向增加100,又如输入相对坐标“@0,50”表示下一点相对上一点Y...