問題: AutoCAD で、従来の隠線処理シェーディング印刷で設定されたビューポートを持つレイアウトを印刷する場合、ビューポートの隠線が印刷と印刷プレビューに表示されたままになります。ビューポート内に寸法文字列がある場...
问题: 将视觉样式设置为“二维线框”的情况下,在 AutoCAD 中使用 HIDE 命令时,在命令行中显示以下消息: 消隐内存不足 -- 某些直线会被错误隐藏。 解决方案: 要消除错误消息,请按照以下步骤操作: 在不选择任何内容的情况下,打开 AutoCAD 的“...
Turn off or freeze any hatch layers with hatch patterns so they are not included in the selection. Type FLATTEN on the command line. Select all objects and press the Enter key. Type N for No when prompted to remove hidden lines. Notes: Although it is possible to select and flatten ever...
在AutoCAD 中打印的布局时,如果其视口配置了旧版隐藏着色打印,视口中的隐藏线仍显示在打印和打印预览中。在视口中也具有尺寸字符串可能会影响也可能不会影响输出。 解决方案:更改视口的着色图。选择视口,然后在“特性”选项板中将“着色打印”...
32、rint压印盖印included angle包含角夹角infinite lines无限长线无限长直线information 信息 资讯inherit properties继承特性继承性质initial environment初始环境初始环境initialize初始化起始设定in-place在位 现地inquiry杏询查询inscribed polygons内接正多边形 内接多边形insert插入插入insertion插入点插入点insertobj插入对象 插入...
To Edit Hidden Lines (AutoCAD Mechanical Toolset)Use the AM2DHIDEDIT to edit hide situations created by the AM2DHIDE command. In the command line enter AM2DHIDEDIT. To update a hide situation where the objects involved in the hide situation has moved. In the command line enter U. To...
When off (gray), only the annotative objects associated to the annotation scale of the current view are displayed. Tip: Turn “Show annotation objects” on when working in model space and off in paper space. This will help you avoid creating annotative objects that already exist in the ...
Not sure how to turn it off. Non-Coplanar Lines When trying to fillet some lines in a drawing, I keep getting the response in the command line " lines are non-coplanar". I also tried new lines from … Hatch Pattern Invisible in Layout I have a drawing in which there are BHATCH ...
These turn into a special kind of block which has a flip state to view inside/outside the boundary. If you explode this block suddenly everything that was hidden becomes visible, for example hatches in your case.I think someone worked on your drawings with fillmode 0, removed all the ...
Turns off front and back clipping. If perspective viewing is on, front clipping remains on at the camera position. Hide Suppresses hidden lines on the selected objects to aid in visualization. Circles, solids, traces, regions, wide polyline segments, 3D faces, polygon meshes, and the extruded...