问题: 使用 trim 命令时,选定的要修剪的多段线没有响应或不可选择。 原因: 文件损坏。 大坐标。 解决方案: 检查文件损坏的步骤: 打开图形文件。 核查并修复任何错误: 在命令行中键入 AUDIT。 键入“Y”表示“是”以修复所有错误,然后按 Enter。 从图形中删除未使用的
问题: TRIM和EXTEND命令在AutoCAD产品2021或更高版本中未按预期工作。 不会提示选择操作的切削边界或延伸边。 输入命令后,它将直接开始修剪或延伸。 原因: 由于此版本中的增强功能,从AutoCAD 2021开始,TRIM和EXTEND命令的此行为与预期一样。 解决方案:...
Path does not intersect with the bounding edge. Select object to extend or shift-select to trim or [Fence/Crossing/Project/Edge/Undo]: Click near the end each end-point of the created arcs to extend Select object to extend or shift-select to trim or [Fence/Crossing/Project/Edge/Undo]: ...
Run TrimWindow_Settings to bring up the settings window where you can select how TrimWindow generates the output: Option to put all TrimWindow's objects to an anonymous block Option to run move command to move TrimWindow to a new location, or copy it to the clipboard so that you can use...
Hi, I'm having a huge issue with some 3d text currently that won't Subtract or Surf trim from an IPhone case I found online that was made with SolidWorks. The IPhone case was originally a SLDPRT file that I then imported into AutoCAD 2018 Student Edition. I currently have made t...
Users reported that when using commands such as TRIM, EXTEND or other editing commands, or selecting objects, AutoCAD Products becomes unresponsive or freezes. The issue may be file or object specific. All objects are selected and considered for trim/ext
o Clip TIN – Trim the TIN to a specified boundary. o Pack TIN – Optimize the TIN by removing unnecessary data. o Delete TIN – Remove an entire TIN surface from the drawing. 3. Quick Profile: Generate a quick longitudinal profile from a TIN surface for rapid analysis. 4. Quick Cross...
Hatch does not respect Island Detection where circles and ovals are present Failed to trim hatch using Civil 3D alignments Options under "content first" of Mleader command are wrong Redundant backslash is added in command history when create mleader via "pre enter Text" option Using STRETCH on a...
Here's a little tip that might be obvious to some, if not most of you. But for anyone that doesn't know this, it can be useful to know. When using the trim command, you tend to specify geometry to trim lines back to. Of course this is no different... ...
Sometimes users complain about the TRIM or EXTEND commands not creating the desired results. The resulting point being short of (or past) the target edge. These commands are affected by the settings of TRIMMODE and PROJMODE system variables, which should both be set to 1. You'll notice thes...