在AutoCAD(或 AutoCAD 行业专业化产品,例如 Civil 3D)中将图形打印为 PDF 时,PDF 中的某些或所有文字对象看起来与图形中的文字对象不同。文字可能更暗、更浅、不清晰、不连续、扭曲、无法识别为文字、显示为不同的字体或具有不同样式的字体。 原因: 图形中使用的非 TrueTyp...
从AutoCAD 产品打印 PDF 文件时,文字或符号将显示为点。在某些情况下,如果行中甚至有一个特殊符号,例如双引号 (“) 符号、度(°) 或直径 (⌀) 符号,或特殊字母(例如 ā、ķ、š 等),整行文本都会显示为点。 注意:此外,打开 PDF 时可能会出现以下错误: Acrobat Reade...
CAD2016,图纸打印成PDF后,PDF中总会显示autocad shx text,应该怎么消除?补充一下,别说文字转换几何图形这个答案,早就试过了,不管用。...[展开]答案一,几何图形 (此方法无效)1、用CAD重新打开原版CAD图纸。2、输入plot命令打开“打印-模型”对话框3、打印机、绘图仪选好“DWG To PDF.PC3”,点紧靠其右侧的“特...
2、输入plot命令打开“打印-模型”对话框 3、打印机、绘图仪选好“DWG To PDF.PC3”,点紧靠其右侧的“特性”按钮打开特性对话框。 4、找到“设备和文档设置”页,打开“自定义特性”选项。 5、在弹出的对话框右下有个字体处理,勾掉“捕获图形中使用的字体”,选中“将所有字体转换为[几何图形] 6、确认保存后...
pack 1补丁包,可修复。安装完service pack 1,重启电脑,打开CAD,在命令行输入ePDFshx,值设置为0...
Editing text in paper space.(1) Editor(1) Education(2) education license(1) educational license(1) Educational Software(1) Educational stamp(1) Educational stamp showing but I'm using commercial license(1) Egnyte(1) Electrical(2) electrical drawing in autocad(1) Electrical Lig...
Editing text in paper space.(1) Editor(1) Education(2) education license(1) educational license(1) Educational Software(1) Educational stamp(1) Educational stamp showing but I'm using commercial license(1) Egnyte(1) Electrical(2) electrical drawing in autocad(1) Electrical Lig...
Frames are displayed around text when viewing a PDF (through Adobe, Foxit, etc.) created from AutoCAD Products. The frames might appear as comments for SHX Text in the PDF file. The frames might have a certain color. Example: yellow. The PDF might be...
In AutoCAD, the text of an imported PDF-file will not be recognized as a text but is converted to polylines or different fonts. Recognize SHX Text Follow these steps: Switch to ribbon "Insert" and click in ...
There are about 14,000 empty text object in the file. Your program does not delete them. If possible, please add this feature to your program. Thank you. 回覆 Ajilal Vijayan (發佈者) | 六月05, 2024 Thanks for the review. No, unfortunately I am not planning to add this in Drawing...