问题: 在AutoCAD中工作时,图形文件仅显示在图纸空间中,而不显示在模型空间中。 原因: 使用第三方软件创建和保存内容。 解决方案: 执行以下操作: 将图纸空间中的内容复制到模型空间或新图形中。 选择需要传输到模型空间的内容。 单击鼠标右键,展开“剪贴板”选项,然
问题: 每当在 AutoCAD LT 中创建第二个视口时,它在图纸空间中始终显示为黑色。模型空间中的任何内容都是可见的。 原因: 未经认证的显卡。 计算机不符合 AutoCAD LT 系统要求。 解决方案: 如果可能,请确保计算机具有经过认证的显卡。 如何查找有关建议的硬件的信息 否则
https://www.autodesk.com/support/account/manage/use/support#:~:text=com/plans.-,Contact%20support,-S... Report 0 Likes Reply Message 7 of 17 cadffm in reply to: cwtwong 07-17-2024 02:47 PM Hi, "The issue does not occur when I use other versions of Auto...
I don't see the same problem as you do. But of course I'm opening your dwg in vanilla AutoCAD 2024 and your attached dwg & png files were not included. But I don't think this would cause the MLeaders & Dimensions you draw to go behind the objects in the Mspace Vport. I can s...
Shape, Space and Building Element: Development of a Conceptual Object Model for the Design Process The paper describes the first steps taken in the search for a central object model presenting all possible data, concepts and operations concerning the architectural design process. From the early desig...
Users reported that when creating a dimension in paper space in AutoCAD, a different value shows compared to the actual model space measurement. The value shown does not honor the representation scale of the viewport. Corrupted viewport Malfunctioning di
11.11 布局布局(Layout)/图纸空间图纸空间(Paper Space)图11-19 图纸空间(Paper Space)点击状态 9、行中的“图纸/模型”(Paper/Model)按钮,切换到模型/图纸兼容空间,如图11-20所示。11.12 模型模型/图纸兼容空间图纸兼容空间(Model Space(Floating)图11-20 模型/图纸兼容空间视口变换命令在主菜单项“视口”(...
When setting the viewport scale in Paper space, the drawing seems to be scaled at the wrong scale, either too big or too small in AutoCAD. The Units are set to a different value compared to the values set in DWGUNITS. First check the Drawing units by typ
11.6渲染(Render)11.7消隐(Hide)维 11.8坐标系变换(UCS)基 11.9三维动态观察器(3DOrbit)本 11.10模型空间(ModelSpace(Tiled))命令 11.11布局(Layout)/图纸空间(PaperSpace)11.12模型/图纸兼容空间(ModelSpace(Floating)11.13视口变换(Vports)11.14三维视图变换(3DViewpoint)11.1原理及概述 在AutoCAD中提供...
Text:Alphanumeric characters or symbols. 12. How can you draw a straight line in AutoCAD? You can draw a straight line in AutoCAD by using the “LINE” command and specifying two points. 13. How can you modify the properties of an object in AutoCAD?