To change the text height of hole chart data rows, in the List of coordinates section, in the Data text height list, select the text height. To change the text height of the origin labels, in the Point and Origin Cartesian section, in the Text height list, select the text height. ...
To Add a User-Defined Column to a Hole Chart (AutoCAD Mechanical Toolset) To Configure the Gaps Between Rows in a Hole Chart (AutoCAD Mechanical Toolset) To Configure the Gaps Between Rows in a Hole Table (AutoCAD Mechanical Toolset) To Configure Text Height and Color for Hole Charts (AutoCA...
Change 'Text Options' as desired. For this example we are only changing the height to 1.0. Most likely you will want to turn off the 'Lock Position' toggle so you can move the attribute after the insert. Choose OK to complete the first attribute. When prompted for the insertion point, ...
text command (1) text editing (1) text editor (3) text error (1) text explode (1) text field (1) text format (1) text height (2) text issues (5) text justification (1) text size (3) text snaps (1) text spacing (1) text style (5) text ...
Q: why can't the input textbe changed? Answer: when the font heightvalue is not 0, the text is not prompted when the text is written with theDTEXT command, so the text height is constant, including the dimensioning ofthe font. Q: how to change the NAONing with the sword has hemorr...
All MText objects have a “boundary box,” which aids in controlling word wrapping and column height. Sometimes these limits exceed what the MText object needs (especially if a large portion of text was modified/deleted). There is no real “danger” associated with a large boundary box, but...
在AutoCAD2000中,可通过TextStyle(字型设置)对话框完成不同字体的设置.其中,字母和数字字体的设置应在Font列表框中选取ISOCP. SHX字型文件,在ObliqueAngle栏中设置15,使字为斜体.汉字有两种字体可供选择,一种是用 BigFont(大字型)文件,在FontStyle中选取 gbcbig.shx字型文件,在WidthFactor和Oblique Angle栏中选用...
Text description provided by the architects. ZCC is located in the Economic and Technological Development Zone of Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province, the surrounding development and construction is mature; the site is located along the Leshan Road, the main development axis of Zhangjiang city, with ...
在AutoCAD2000中,可通过TextStyle(字型 设置)对话框完成不同字体的设置.其中,字母和 数字字体的设置应在Font列表框中选取ISOCP. SHX字型文件,在ObliqueAngle栏中设置15,使 字为斜体.汉字有两种字体可供选择,一种是用 BigFont(大字型)文件,在FontStyle中选取 ...