问题: 在许多 AutoCAD 图形中,文本段落实际上可能是单行文字。理想情况下,如果这些文本行是一个文本对象,它们将更容易管理。那么,如何将文本修改为一个单一的实体呢? 解决方案: 解决方案是使用 TXT2MTXT 命令,该命令在安装了 Express Tools ...
在功能区中,选择“Annotate”(标注)>“Multiline Text”(多行文字)(而非“Single Line Text”(单行文字)),或者使用 MTEXT 命令。 小贴士1:如果您已经通过 TEXT 或 DTEXT 添加文字,请使用功能区的“Express Tools”选项卡中的“Convert Text to Mtext”(将文字转换为多行文字)命令,以便稍后转换为多行文字。
In many AutoCAD drawings, paragraphs of text may actually be single lines of text. Ideally, these lines of text would be managed easier if they were one text object. So how does one modify the text to be one single entity? The solution ...
Create single or multiline text (mtext) as a single text object. Easily format text, columns, and boundaries. Learn more Views Save views by name to easily return to a specific view for quick reference or for applying to layout viewports. ...
一用DTEXT命令標註文本 命令: DTEXT/DT 下拉菜單:DRAW-TEXT-SingleLine Text 1. 功能: 在圖中標註文本. 2. 操作格式 Command: DTEXT/DT Justify/Style/<Start point>: (1)Justify 此選項用來確定所標註文本的排列方式,執行該選項提示: Align/Fit/Center/Middle/Right/TL/TC/TR/ML/MC/MR/BL/BC/BR: Al...
To add spacing between the lines within paragraphs, check Paragraph Line Spacing and select a spacing option and enter a value. Change the Width of Multiline Text Double-click the multiline text object. In the In-Place Text Editor, use one of the following methods: Move the cursor over...
Multi-Text 多行文字 DT Single-Text 单行文字 XL Con-line 构造线 修改命令(MODIFY) AR Array 阵列 BR Break 打断 CHA Chamfer 倒角 CO Copy 拷贝 E Erase 删除 EX Extend 延伸 F Fillet 圆角 LEN Lengthen 伸长 M Move 移动 MatchMA 属性匹配 Properities MI Mirror 镜像 O Offset 偏移 RO Rotate 旋转 ...
Single line text creates a new line of text every time the Enter key is pressed. Each line of text is an independent object that you can edit as you wish without affecting the other lines. Command: DTEXT Alias: DT Multiline text Use Multiline Text to create paragraph texts objects. All...
常用AUTOCAD命令一览表 绘图命令(DRAW)AArc弧BBlock块BOBoundary边界CCircle圆DODonut圆环ELEllipse椭圆HHatch剖面线LLine线MLMultiline多重线PLPolyline多义线POLPolygon多边形POPoint点RECRectangle矩形REGRegion面域RAYRay射线SPLSpline样条曲线TMulti-Text多行文字DTSingle-Text单行文字XLCon-line构造线修改命令(MODIFY)ARBR...
AutoCAD crashes - property change attribute definition single to multiline I have a bunch of drawing block with attribute definitions. When using property dialog box and try to change the attdef from Multiple Lines No to Yes, AutoCAD freezes and I have to use Task Manager to end task....