I'm led to believe this because using the Insert> Location> Set Location> From Map procedure, using the above (BNG) projection, setting a reference point on both map and DWG, the whole drawing overlays accurately over the map. And I can see there is imported drawings of the surrounding ...
Import terrain meshes from Lidar and GeoTIFF files. You can select the area to process and set filter parameters. Calculate cut/fill volumes between two terrain meshes and get a volume report in Excel. Preview the position of selected drawing entities in a map when selecting a coordinate system...
set 设置(v),集合(n) 设定 setting 设置 设定 shade 着色,灰度(用于单色 Gray ) 描影 shader 着色程序 描影程式 shadow map 阴影贴图 shape 造型 Sharpness 尖锐度 鲜明度 sheet 表,板(for ACIS only) 图纸 Shell 抽壳 薄壳 shell SHELL 薄壳 Shell 抽壳 薄壳 shortcut 快捷键 快显 show 显示 展示 Silhou...
Transform drawings Coordinate System: Transform the Coordinate System (CRS) of a whole drawing or a set of selected objects Background maps Updated V9: Choose from among a lot of dynamic Backgrounds Maps from providers such as Google Maps, OpenStreetMap, Bing, MapBox, Ordnance Survey, etc., ...
bump map 凹凸贴图 凸纹贴图 button menu 按钮菜单 按钮功能表 BYBLOCK 随块 BYBLOCK BYLAYER 随层 BYLAYER byte 字节 位元组 cabling 电缆布线 配线 cal 计算器 校正 calibrate 校准 校正 call 调用 呼叫 callback 回调(for LISP) 回覆 callback 回叫 回覆 ...
GEOGRAPHICLOCATION(命令) 将地理位置信息指定给图形文件。 GEOLOCATEME(命令) 显示或隐藏在模型空间中对应于您当前位置的坐标处的指示器。 GEOMAPIMAGEUPDATE(命令) 从联机地图服务更新地图图像并且可以选择重置其分辨率,以便提供最佳的屏幕查看效果。 GEOMAPIMAGE(命令) 将联机地图的一部分捕获到称为地图图像的对象,然...
To Set Geographic Location by Specifying Latitude and Longitude To Set Geographic Location from a GIS File To Set Geographic Location from a Map Related ReferenceCommands for Working with Geographic Locations Was this information helpful? Yes No...
When trying to access online maps in AutoCAD Products, including Civil 3D, the following error appears: Geolocation - Online Map Data You do not have permission to access Online Map Data. Live Map Data is not used. Missing updates....
See AutoCAD Map 3D Citrix Post Install Script. Note: These scripts automate registry and user profile changes after AutoCAD installation. Even though they were written for AutoCAD Map 3D or older Windows Server, they apply to newer Windows/AutoCAD versions and all Auto...
There are different symbol settings for different geometric feature layer types. You can set the symbol using theAssign Symbol user interfaceinvoked from theEsri_FeatureLayercommand or using thecontext menuof a feature layer in theEsri Contentspane. These symbol settings determine how features are draw...