问题: 如何更改 AutoCAD 图形所用的默认打印样式。 解决方案: 根据自定义或预定义的 AutoCAD 样板,更改图形的默认打印样式 从快速访问工具栏中选择“打开”。在“选择文件”对话框中,转到“文件类型”下拉列表,然后选择“图形样板(*.dwt)”。 您会看到默认 AutoCAD 样
If you are using named plot styles, this option can be set to any named plot style tables. To set color-dependent plot styles, use the PlotPolicy property. Examples VBA: Sub Example_DefaultPlotStyleTable() ' This example reads and modifies the preference value that ' specifies the ...
(setq acadObj (vlax-get-acad-object)) (setq preferences (vla-get-Preferences acadObj)) ;; Get the output preferences object (setq ACADPref (vla-get-Output preferences)) ;; Set the default plot style to named plot styles (setq originalPolicyValue (vla-get-PlotPolicy ACADPref)) (vla-put...
AutoCAD Plot style tables contain several settings that are not self-explanatory or fully described in Help. AutoCAD® and AutoCAD LT® have several new plot properties. In earlier releases, you could use the HPCONFIG, XESCONFIG, CCONFIG, or OCECONFI
DefaultPlotStyleForObjects 新创建对象的默认打印样式名称。 DefaultPlotStyleTable 要附着到新图形的默认打印样式表。 DefaultPlotToFilePath 打印到文件的默认路径。 Degree 只读 指定样条曲线的次数。 Delta 只读 指定直线的增量。 DemandLoadARXApp 若图形包含第三方应用程序所创建的自定义对象时,是否以及何时由 AutoC...
Notice that the plotStyleName dictionary has a default entry "Normal" of AcDbPlaceHolder class. And the setPlotStyleName function returns an error status if the plot style cannot be found in the current plot style table (as this case), or if the drawing's PlotStyleMode is set to use col...
AutoCAD 2002中文版在以下样本文件中已设置了符合国标要求的文字样式(文字样式名为“工程字”),用户以这些文件为样本绘图形时,可直接使用对应的文字样式。Gb -Color Dependent Plot Styles.dwt Gb -Named Plot Styles.dwt Gb_a0 -Color Dependent Plot Styles.dwt Gb_a0 -Named Plot Styles.dwt Gb_...
Set the plot style Enter the STYLESMANAGER command in AutoCAD to open the Plot Styles folder and make sure the .ctb file is there. Then double-check the page setup in the layouts to verify the plot style file is found for each sheet. Alternatively,...
Add Plot Style Table 添加打印样式表 Add Plotter 添加打印机 Add Plotter 添加打印机 Add to Favorites 添加到收藏夹 加入我的最爱 ADI ADI(Autodesk 设备接口) ADI (Autodesk 设备介面) adjacent 相邻 相邻 Adjust 调整 调整 Adjust Area fill 调整区域填充 调整区域填满 ...
This option is disabled if the drawing plot style policy is a color dependent plot style. Plot: Sets the visibility of objects when plotting. When set as no-plot, objects are displayed on the screen but not in plots. New VP Freeze: Defines if the layer is visible on newly created ...