“With AutoCAD, we can layer everything for a comprehensive view, which is essential for successful designs.” —Ambrose Luk, Senior Design Associate, Munden Fry Landscape Associates Read story “Once I start working on a guitar design in AutoCAD, I just can’t stop until it’s finished.”...
aseselect ASE 选择 ASE 选取 asesqled SQL 编辑 ASE SQL 编辑器 Aspect 纵横向间距 纵横向间距 aspect ratio 宽高比 纵横比 assign 指定 指定 Assist 助理 辅助 associative dimension 关联标注 关联式标注 associative hatches 关联填充 关联式剖面线 attach v.附着 贴附 attdef 属性定义 属性定义 attdisp 属性显...
Enter model space through the viewport (double-click inside the viewport or select Model from the Status bar) Open the Layers palette (LAYER). Use CTRL+A to select all the layers. Click one of the color boxes in the 'VP Color' column. When the...
When you check Indicate layers in use and the drawing includes objects assigned to a layer, its icon is a blue sheet of paper. A white sheet of paper indicates that there are no objects on the layer. The Viewport override background color option allows you to select the back- ground ...
其命令提示是:Command: TXT2MTXTSelect text objects or press ENTER to set Options:Select objects:选择需转换的文本对象选择工具1. GETSEL该命令用于建立一个临时选择集。Command: GETSELSelect an object on the Source layer<*>: 选择对象或输入Enter选择所有图层Select an object of the Type you ...
Select objects: (選取欲修改的對象) Select objects: (也可繼續選取) Properties/< Change point>: 3. Properties: 該選項用來修改所選對象性質.執行該選項AutoCAD會提示: Change what property (Color/Elev/LAyer/Ltype/LtScale/<Thickness>? Color該選項用於改變對象的顏色,執行它時,AutoCAD提示: New color <缺...
For example, you can select all objects on a layer. With the new selection you can select a specific object or a block by name. With the new selection you can select the objects that have a specific color, etc. Or you can select all red objects and immediately with the resulting select...
LAYER LA 图层操纵 153 LAYOUT LO 创建新布局或者对已存在的布局进行更名、复制、储存 或者删除等操作 154 LAYOUTWIZARD 布局向导 155 LEADER LE 指引标注(画出指引线) 156 LENGTHEN LEN 改变实体长度 157 LIGHT 光源设置 158 LIMTS 设置图形界限 159 LINS L 绘制直线 160 LINETYPE LT 创建、装载或者设置线型 16...
SELECT 将选定对象置于前一选择集中SETUV 将材质贴图到对象表面SETVAR 列出系统变量并修改变量值 SETVAR setSHADE 显示当前视口图形的着色图像 SHADE shaSHAPE 插入形SHELL 访问操作系统命令SHOWMAT 列出选定对象的材质类型和附着方法SKETCH 创建一系列徒手画线段SLICE 用平面剖切一组实体 SLICE slSNAP 规定光标按指定的...