1.选择技巧 在选择编辑中,有时不小心多选了某个图元,此时在命令未结束下并不需要取消命令而重来,只须在"选择目标"的提示后输入remove回车,再在提示下逐一选择哪些多选的图元(当然别太多,否则难选啊!)即可搞定. 在选择时,随便输入两个字母,如mn,这时你会发现command命令行出现一大串提示,包括fence、wc、wf等,...
次の表に従って、Scale Factor を目的の値に設定します。 [OK]をクリックして確定します。 注: デフォルトでは、この値は 1 です。これらのデフォルト値は、わかりやすくするために表に含まれています。 作図単位Dimensioning units尺度 mm ...
将ANNOALLVISIBLE 设置为 1。这将使所有注释性对象显示,无论视口比例是什么。 将ANNOAUTOSCALE 设置为 4。这将使视口的新选定注释比例自动添加到所有注释性对象。 使用“特性”选项板,手动将所需的视口比例添加到注释性对象的注释性比例列表。 使用“特性”选项板,手动...
将ANNOALLVISIBLE 设置为 1。这将使所有注释性对象显示,无论视口比例是什么。 将ANNOAUTOSCALE 设置为 4。这将使视口的新选定注释比例自动添加到所有注释性对象。 使用“特性”选项板,手动将所需的视口比例添加到注释性对象的注释性比例列表。 使用“特性”选项板,手动将相关对...
If the width value is greater than zero, the output width is scaled to match the plot scale. Edit vertex: Allows the user to edit each vertex in the polyline individually. Fit: Create a curved polyline with arcs connected on each polyline vertex. Spline: Converts the polyline to spline-...
Also there is a command line system variable OSNAPHATCH, set to 0 for off (no snap), 1 for on (snap).Images How can I make working with IMAGES easier? If you frequently insert images, having to position, scale and rotate them each time, try this simple trick. Begin a new 'empty...
Annotation objects created in paper space on a layout should be created at full size because layouts are commonly plotted at a 1:1 scale. For example, text created with a height of 1/8” in paper space will be output at 1/8” unless a scale other than 1:1 is used to plot the lay...
The SketchUp Import plug-in allows you to import SKP files into your Autodesk® AutoCAD® drawings. Use the IMPORTSKP command to convert a SketchUp file, stored in a local or shared folder, and insert the model into the current drawing. ...
24、 in Styles,Xrefs,Images,Rtext. : 输入一个选项(对象类型) Current REDIRMODE: 选择对象类型6. XDATA 该命令向一个所选的实体附着一个扩展的实体数据。Command: XDATA Select object:选择对象Application name:输入应用程序的名称3Real/DIR/DISP/DIST/Hand/Int/LAyer/LOng/Pos/Real/SCale/STr/eXit: 为附着...
Instead of fit, scale it 307 Plotting the Layout of the Land 309 Plotting Lineweights and Colors 311 Plotting with style 311 Plotting through thick and thin 316 Plotting in color 320 It’s a (Page) Setup! 321 Continuing the Plot Dialog 322 The Plot Sickens 325 Part 4: Advancing With A...