first time posting in this forum. new user to autocad, having a great time drawing rather than paying other to do it now. though i have a issue, where there seems to be no clear answer on google. i am trying to print on 11x17 to scale. i am making a plan set for my local ...
If you issue the plot command and window your area, if the print size (paper) is large enough, you can set the plot scale to 1:1. This will give you a full-size plot. If you want a dxf, you should be able to SAVEAS and change the format to dxf. If you have other items in...
TO,*TOOLBAR(工具栏) V, *VIEW(命名视图) AA, *AREA(面积) DI, *DIST(距离) LI,*LIST(显示图形数据信息)(二)常用CTRL快捷键 【CTRL】+1 *PROPERTIES(修改特性) 【CTRL】+2 *ADCENTER(设计中心) 【CTRL】+O *OPEN(打开文件) 【CTRL】+N、M *NEW(新建文件) 【CTRL】+P *PRINT...
Autodesk® Express Viewer is a small, fast, free viewer for anyone who needs to quickly view and print to-scale DWF files. + Digital signatures provide a secure envi- ronment to help protect the integrity of your drawings. Compatibility + Full compatibility with AutoCAD 2004 and AutoCAD ...
为获得制图比例图纸,一般绘图是先插入按 1:1 尺寸的标准图框,再按【SCALE】按钮,利用图样与图框的数值关系,将图框按【制图比例的倒数】进行缩放,则可绘制 1:1 的图形,而不必通过缩放图形的方法来实现,实际工程制图中,也多为此法,如果通过缩放图形的方法来实现,往往会对【标注】尺寸带来影响。
sc, *scale(比例缩放)Br, *Break(打断)cha, *chamfer(倒角)f, *fillet(倒圆角)pe, *pedit(...
为获得制图比例图纸,一般绘图是先插入按 1:1 尺寸的标准图框,再按【SCALE】按钮,利用图样与图框的数值关系,将图框按【制图比例的倒数】进行缩放,则可绘制 1: 1 的图形,而不必通过缩放图形的方法来实现,实际工程制图中,也多为此法,如果通过缩放图形的方法来实现,...
AutoCAD 快捷键 ALIGN:在二维和三维空间中将某对象与其他对象对齐 AL APPLOAD:加载或卸载应用程序并指定启动时要加载的应用程序 AP ARC:创建圆弧 A AREA:计算对象或指定区域的面积和周长 AA ARRAY:创建按指定方式排列的多重对象副本 AR ATTDEF:创
SCALE (缩放)命令可以将所选择对象的真实尺寸按照指定的尺寸比例放大或缩小,执行后键入【r】参数即可进入参照模式,然后指定参照长度和新长度即可。参照模式适用于不直接输入比例因子或比例因子不明确的情况。 80 块的作用是什么? 用户可以将绘制的图例,创建为块,即将图例以块为单位进行保存,并归类于每一个文件夹内,...
Easy to Find the Symbols You Need With SmartDraw, you get a vast collection of mechanical engineering and architectural symbols for every type of CAD project. Thermostat Easy to Draw and Print to Scale Draw and print to any scale with the included standard architectural, engineering, and metric...