When attempting to plot a file in black and white (monochrome) or grayscale using an STB file in AutoCAD, some (or all) of the objects are plotted in color instead. Objects or layers are set to use a TrueColor (RGB) value instead of one of the 255 indexe
When batch plotting in AutoCAD with a customized page setup the pages print incorrectly. For example, they print in color in batch printing but greyscale when printing in single sheets. The drawing is configured to use named plot styles (STB) where color
问题: 在AutoCAD中,某些线需要以彩色而不是黑色打印。CTB打印样式设置为单色。 解决方案: 通过为所需行指定颜色来调整CTB文件。 在命令行中键入PAGESETUP,然后按Enter键。 在“页面设置管理器”对话框中,选择当前布局,然后选择“修改”。在“页面设置”对话框中,从
Hi everybody. As you know, the color of 255 doesn't appear on outputs. That's why I want to change the plot settings. On this website, there's this
问题: 从AutoCAD和DWG TrueView打印时,使用错误的颜色设置,尽管已选择自定义打印样式表进行打印。 原因: 打印样式表已移动到新位置 在搜索路径中指定的文件夹中找不到打印样式表。 解决方案: 转到“应用程序”菜单>“选项”>“文件”选项卡,然后执行...
-Color Dependent Plot Styles.dwt Gb_a0 -Named Plot Styles.dwt Gb_a1 -Color Dependent Plot ...
Color Dependent Plot Styles 这个的大概意思是颜色相关打印,说实话,我自己也不知道到底是什么区别 Named Plot Styles命名打印样式表 这个应该是大家都经常用的 就是做好了一个图,然后按照自己的习惯,将打印样式修改了,然后出图 Gb_a4 -Named Plot Styles 这个样本文件是带有完整会签栏的A4图框 而且...
I've searched multiple times and tried everything mentioned but nothing has seemed to work. Despite the plot style being monochrome.ctb, I continue to have full color when I plot DWG to PDF. I'd really rather not have to go layer by layer and change everything to white/black just to ...
11.1.1 Color(设置颜色) 11.1.2 Linetype(设置线型) 11.1.3 Lineweight(设置线宽) 11.1.4 Plot Style(设置打印样式) 11.1.5 Layer(用图层控制特性) 11.2 使用特性命令设置特性 11.2.1 General(基本)特性 11.2.2 Plot Style(打印样式)特性 11.2.3 View(视图)特性 ...
Plottable 图层是否为可打印。PlotType 布局或打印配置的类型。PlotViewportBorders 视口的边界是否打印。PlotViewportsFirst 图纸空间视口上的几何体是否首先打印。PlotWithLineweights 对象是按在打印文件中分配的线宽打印,还是按图形文 件中的线宽打印。PlotWithPlotStyles 对象是按在打印样式文件中分配的配置打印,还是按...