Solved: I tried plotting to PDF using DWG To PDF.pc3. When you preview you see all the aerials but once it created the PDF the aerials are partially
问题: 用户指出,从 AutoCAD 打印或发布为 PDF 时,程序崩溃或意外关闭,并且不显示警告或错误消息。 原因: 绘图 该图形包含一些损坏的几何图形。 DWG 文件中的图像可能太大或可能已损坏。 布局已损坏。 样板(DWT)文件已过时。 某个特定字体导致了问题。 硬件 在低端计
1. Is the pdf not created? 2. Is the pdf empty? 3. Does AutoCAD crash?... 4. At what point does the plot fail? Does it ask for a filename? Could it be going to an unexpected folder?... The plot settings aren't unusual but you are plotting at a scale that doesn't match...
从AutoCAD 产品打印或发布为 PDF 时,图形内容会移动,并且可能会被切断。 原因:AutoCAD PDF 配置文件(PC3 文件,例如DWG to PDF.pc3)文件>边距设置为 0。 对于同等的图纸尺寸,最初指定的 PDF 驱动程序的页边距与当前 PDF 驱动程序的页边距不匹配。解决方案:请尝试以下解决方案之...
When plotting or publishing to PDF using the AutoCAD PDF plotters, nothing happens. Plot preview also does not work. AutoCAD PDF printers: AutoCAD PDF (General Documentation).pc3 AutoCAD PDF (High Quality Print).pc3 AutoCAD PDF (Smallest File).pc3 AutoCA
When plotting to PDF from AutoCAD, the process fails with a message similar to the following: AutoCAD <path\filename>.pdf Invalid file. Please verify the correct path was given. Antivirus software is blocking the save location of the P...
I imported a PDF drawing. It shows in preview, but does not plot. It is not on a non-plot layer. I am using it as a background drawing. Please help. AutoCAD LT Plotting to a PDF I am working in 2012 LT. I have drawn a floor plan and need to save it at 1/4" scale as a...
I lowered the Adobe PDF Converter resolution from 1200dpi to 300dpi and it worked. I tried 600dpi but that didn't work. Let me know if this fixes the problem for you. For anyone who may not be familiar with how to change this setting here is what I did: 1. When plotting fro...
Out of curiosity, are you plotting to the Adobe PDF system printer (or pc3 file) or are you using the conversion macro button? The macro conversion button has never worked the way it should for us (most things do not convert properly - lineweights, scaling, etc...) I hope this h...
Plotting to a raster file A popular inquiry from AutoCAD users is how to plot a drawing to a raster file (or bitmap/picture). This is often in response to the need to provide a 'picture' of the drawing without actually providing the DWG, or perhaps a drawing is to be displayed in ...