Lock: Objects in a locked layer cannot be modified, although you may add new objects in the layer. Color: Defines the layer’s color. Linetype: Defines the layer’s linetype. Lineweight: Sets the layer lineweight. Transparency: Sets the layer’s transparency level from 0 to 90, where 0...
Portrait 纵向,if used for paper layout 直式 positional tolerances 位置公差 位置公差 precision 精度 精确度 predefine 预定义 事先定义的 preferences 系统配置 环境设定 Preferences dialog box 系统配置对话框 「环境设定」对话方块 preview 打印预览 预览 primitive 原型 基本原件 Priority 优先级 priviledge 特权 ...
Sheet Set Template file locations are missing in Options Default Lineweight setting resets from 0 to 25 after restart Edit text 128 times using Property-palette and the ESC key will not work and selection stops working Crash when ribbon is updating status bar before file is opened Palette Sheet...
10、打开dwg文件时,系统弹出 “AutoCADMessage”对话框提示 “Drawingfileisnotvalid”,告诉用户文件不能打开怎么办? 这种情况下可以先退出打开操作,然后打开“File”菜单,选“DrawingUtilities/Recover”命令,或者在命令行直接用键盘输入“recover”,接着在“SelectFile”对话框中输入要恢复的文件,确认后系统开始执行恢复...
I am trying to copy a piping layout, along with structural, in same the drawing outside the drawing space, or anywhere. Only the structural part copied. … AutoCAD Compatibility I was interested in purchasing an AutoCAD program but I am not sure of what program I need. I am getting ...
AutoCAD Layer Property Overrides 教程说明书 The completed exercise
DIMLFAC applies primarily to nonassociative dimensions (DIMASSOC set 0 or 1). For nonassociative dimensions in paper space, DIMLFAC must be set individually for each layout viewport to accommodate viewport scaling. DIMLFAC has no effect on angular dimensions, and is not applied to the values ...
is required instead of CTB) Plot Type, Scale and Lineweight. (Lineweight only applies when Default is chosen as a lineweight in the layer Manager. Otherwise it is overridden by Layer Lineweights). There is an automatic Preview checkbox that can save paper by showing a Preview befor each plot...
About Setting the Lineweight Scale for a LayoutYou can scale lineweights proportionately in a layout with the plot scale. Typically, lineweights specify the line width of plotted objects and are plotted with the line width size regardless of the plot scale. Most often, you use the default pl...