内容提示: ;; ;; AutoCAD ISO Linetype Definition file ;; Version 2.0 ;; ;; Copyright 2018 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved. ;; ;; Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license ;; agreement provided at the time of installation or download, or which ;; ...
A linetype definition is the value within the *.LIN file (acad.lin or other *.lin) that generates the various linetypes (see example). Consider reading this link and looking at the attached file regarding linetype. How to create complex linetypes in AutoCAD Select the "Mark as Solution"...
New linetype definition saved to file. Enter an option [?/Create/Load/Set]: Enter 实际上,由于线型文件是ASCII格式的,因此用户可以在AutoCAD环境外使用任一文本编辑器直接打开或创建线型文件,并对其内容进行补充和修改。 实例2创建“ARROW”线型 (1) 使用Windows附件中的“记事本”程序打开由实例一创建的“use...
Enter linetype pattern (on next line): A,1,-.125,0,-.125,.25,-.125,0,-.125 Enter New linetype definition saved to file. Enter an option [?/Create/Load/Set]: Enter 实际上,由于线型文件是ASCII格式的,因此用户可以在AutoCAD环境外使用任一文本编辑器直接打开或创建线型文件,并对其内容进行补充...
LIN— Linetype file (LINETYPE command). LIN files containlinetype definitionsof 3D objects in a text format. AutoCAD linetypes consist of a series of dots and dashes, and can contain embedded text and shape objects. You can even print this file to understand how to construct linetypes. ...
标准线型库; AutoCAD Linetype Definition filel; Version 2.0l; Copyright 1991, 1992, 1 2、993, 1994, 1996 by Autodesk, Inc.l*BORDER,Border _ _ . _ _ . _ _ . _ _ . _ _ .lA,.5,-.25,.5,-.25,0,-.25l*BORDER2,Border (.5x) _._._._._._._._._._._.lA,.25,-....
尝试在AutoCAD产品中加载自定义线型文件(*.lin)时,显示有关错误定义的错误消息。 原因: 如果出现以下情况,将出现“错误定义”错误: A)所需的线型文字不在LIN文件中的双引号" "内B)当前图形中未定义指定的文字样式C)所需的线型文字未在线型定义调用的形文件...
Linetypes are defined in a linetype definition (LIN) file. When you load a linetype, you select the linetype definition file and a specific linetype from within that file. Two linetype definition files are available: acad.lin for imperial units, and acadiso.lin for metric units. Note:...
问题: 尝试在 AutoCAD 产品和 Civil 3D 中加载线型时,在选择线型定义文件后,显示一个警告对话框。 AutoCAD 产品 0XX <线名称> 定义错误(第 <数字> 行,位于 C:\Users\<用户名>\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\AutoCAD 20XX\Rxx.x\<语言>\Support\ac...
In the Linetype Manager dialog box, click Load. In the Load or Reload Linetypes dialog box, use one of the following methods: Choose the linetypes to load. Click File to open a linetype definition (LIN) file, and choose the linetypes to load. Click OK to close each dialog box...