有关 DEFPOINTS 的详细信息。请参见AutoCAD 帮助 | BREAKLINE (Express Tool)。 检查打印选项中的“着色打印”设置并将其从“按显示”更改为“线框”。 检查可能替代或误用图层设置的图层状态。 在AutoCAD 的命令行中,输入LAYERSTATE命令。 选择不同的图...
有关 DEFPOINTS 的详细信息。请参见AutoCAD 帮助 | BREAKLINE (Express Tool)。 检查打印选项中的“着色打印”设置并将其从“按显示”更改为“线框”。 检查可能替代或误用图层设置的图层状态。 在AutoCAD 的命令行中,输入LAYERSTATE命令。 选择不同的...
For example, exploding a polyline converts the polyline to regular independent line and arc segments. Command: EXPLODE Alias: X Erase The Erase command deletes the selected objects from the drawing. It does not copy the object to the clipboard to be pasted somewhere else. Command: ERASE Alias...
In AutoCAD 2016, when I draw a line, circle or anything else it leaves some kind of a tracer or shadow. Not sure how to turn it off. Non-Coplanar Lines When trying to fillet some lines in a drawing, I keep getting the response in the command line " lines are non-coplanar". I ...
AutoCAD has been a life changing experience for myself as I had so much fun with the detailing and accuracy of the line work. I also allows a flexible space in making inorganic shapes too ,not only a very geometric work space.PROS AutoCAD has had the best features that allowed for me ...
If there is a Defpoints layer in the drawing, any objects on that layer will not be plotted. For more information on Defpoints. See AutoCAD Help | BREAKLINE (Express Tool). Check the Shade Plot setting in the plot options and change it from ...
You can use object snaps to create a line to the center of a circle or to the midpoint of another line. 00:17 For example, when it is zoomed out so that you can see this entire floor plan, this drawing looks pretty good,
Drawing a Line on AutoCAD 2. Circle Command/Shortcut: CIRCLE / C Location: Draw > Circle > Centre, Radius The Circle command draws a circle based on a radius and center point. The default command requires you to specify a center point and a radius—usually on screen. If you enter CIRCL...
How to change the size of a schematic line in AutoCAD P&ID How to export an AutoCAD Plant 3D model to SolidEdge? Ortho annotation will be moved after closing and re-opening of the orthographic drawing VIEWBASE does not show equipments which are converted by PLANTEQUIPMENT...
Use WBLOCK and select what is still showing. This will create a new dwg and leave all the stuff you don't need (on frozen layers) behind. It may not get down to 20 meg, though. You could also WBLOCK out one or more layers at a time to several dwgs, then they can reassemble eve...