1 AutoCAD中所有英语词汇的翻译2D Solid二维实体2D实面2D Wireframe二维线框3D Array三维阵列3D阵列3D Dynamic View三维动态观察3D动态检视3d objects三维物体3D物件3D Orbit三维轨道3D动态3D Orbit三维动态观察3D动态3D Studio 3D Studio 3D Studio3D Viewpoint三维视点3D检视点3dpoly三维多段线3D聚合线3dsin 3DS输入3...
comma 逗号 逗号 command history 命令历史 指令历程 command line 命令行 指令行 command window 命令窗口 指令视窗 comment 注释 注解 commit 提交 确定 Compatibility 兼容性 相容性 compile 编译 编译 complex solids 复杂实体 复杂实体 component 分量 元件 Component 部件 元件 composite regions 组合面域 复合面域 c...
Command: DIMLIN First extension line origin or RETURN to select: 要求選擇欲標註尺寸的某條邊,選擇后,提示: Dimension line location (Text/Angle/Horizontal/Vertical/Rotated): (1)Dimension line location: 確定尺寸線的位置,如果用戶直接確定尺寸線的位置,則按自動測量的長度標出相應的尺寸. Text: 輸入並定...
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry; //(Point3d, Line3d, Curve3d) using Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices; // (Application, Document) using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime; // (CommandMethodAttribute, RXObject, CommandFlag) using Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput; //(Editor, PromptXOptions, PromptXResult) u...
The command line is where you will 00:11 see instructions and options when using commands, 00:15 for example, on the home ribbon 00:17 in the draw panel, click the line tool 00:21 on the command line. The program prompts you to specify the first point of the line. 00:27 Once you...
Using lengthen command→ delta option +ve value when I put cursor between S-M the line get extended from S to D between M-E the line get extended from E to C But in polyline object for ex: triangle, line get extended only from S point , not from E point. Why so...
command:pline From point:Current line-width is xxx: 当前线宽是xxx:Arc/Close/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width/<Endpoint of line>:选项意义 * Arc 弧 Close 用一条直线闭合开口多折线 * Halfwidth 半宽 * Length 长度 Undo Width 线宽 注: LINE 和PLINE 命令的区别和联系:1) LINE 画出的线是一段一段的...
Command: ARC/ACenter/<Start point>: (输入圆弧的起始端点)Center/End/<Second point>:C(准备输入圆心位置)Center: (输入圆弧的圆心的位置)Angle/Length of chord/<End point>: (输入圆弧的终止端点)(3) 根据圆弧的起始点,圆心以及圆弧的圆心角绘弧下拉菜单: DRAW-ARC- Start, Center, AngleCommand: ARC/...
))(command "_.PURGE" "A" "" "N" )(princ "\n 清除完成!!及时保存文件!!")(princ))...
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices; // (Database, DBPoint, Line, Spline) using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry; //(Point3d, Line3d, Curve3d) using Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices; // (Application, Document) using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime; // (CommandMethodAttribute, RXObject, CommandFlag)...