Now your Units are set Usage 1.) start a line command 2.) Select your starting point 3.) type @distance<Deg/Min/Sec (Example @10<20d30'20") and hit the <enter> key @= Sets the entry to relative so it treats your start point as 0,0 Distance= The distance you want the line t...
Command: LINE Start Point: (Pick One) Next Point: @123.45<N45D30'15"E Next Point: @234.56<S25D10'10"W Notice the syntax for the relative polar coordinate. You put the @ sign first, which means relative to the last point. Next comes the distance. Last is the bearing. Its enclosed...
(command "text" "c" mid2 dand dist) (command "osnap" "end") )) i'm happy the text style, height and offset to line. but i'd like the distance to be.. on layer - distance color - red oblique - 70d and for the bearing.. on layer - bearing color - white thanks in advance...
Creates a hyperlink to the image, projects to drawing system, rotates to view (if bearing data exists), and more. Layer Order: Reorder objects by layer with simple move up/down buttons, settings saved in the drawing for next use. Legends: Generates a symbol legend and/or linetype legend ...
OK I think I've narrowed it down. You're right it's not the autosave like I thought. It seems to be when I'm executing a command within a command, i.e line by bearing. It asks you which quad, then for a distance, ...once i input that distance and it draws the line the sy...
-Label Polylines: The length and bearing of line segments can be labeled efficiently. -Polygonize: Convert intersecting features into polygons. -Import LandXML: SPCAD is not importing the LandXML format to DWG -Export LandXML: Export the features from DWG to LandXML. -Geo distance: Measure ...
Multi-Text Line Leader Routine - Fleming, JonMULTINUM - Producer unknown or anonymousMultiple Bearing/Dist Annota. - Foster, JeffMultiple Incremental Offset - Weaver, Michael K.MultiPlt - Sierra HermitageMUNMAP GEO/SQL GIS - Software Support, LTD....
Maps require bearing-distance line labels and radius-delta-length curve labels, and often tables. Mappers must decide which label style is best for each parcel segment. This process is time-consuming and prone to errors and omissions. Pemulis Map Maker eliminates the labor and potential errors ...
平行线parallel line 垂直线perpendicular line 交叉线skew line 长度length 宽度width 高度height 组合体complex 基本几何体basic body 相接built-up 相交inter section 相切tangent 相贯penetration 支架brace 底板bottom board 肋rib 支承板bearing plate 轮廓线outline, contour line ...
The C.S of load bearing wall showing foundation details using AutoCAD is created by Lines and Rectangles. The procedure and result should be written after creating the C.S of load bearing wall showing foundation details. PROCEDURE: STEP: SELECT LINE COMMAND AND SPECIFY FIRST POINT(ANYW...