The license file for AutoCAD can usually be found in the following directory:C:Program FilesAutodeskAutoCAD 2017ACAD.LIC You can also try searching for "acad.lic" on your computer.The license file location for AutoCAD may vary depending on the version of AutoCAD that you are using. However,...
1. Support added to AutoCAD 2019 in version 4.2 2. Domain license file location can be set through external file that eliminates the setup required on individual machines to target the license file location [version 4.1 and 4.2]. 3. Command "Xref-Redirect" is updated to have Xref refresh/re...
1 AutoCAD中所有英语词汇的翻译2D Solid二维实体2D实面2D Wireframe二维线框3D Array三维阵列3D阵列3D Dynamic View三维动态观察3D动态检视3d objects三维物体3D物件3D Orbit三维轨道3D动态3D Orbit三维动态观察3D动态3D Studio 3D Studio 3D Studio3D Viewpoint三维视点3D检视点3dpoly三维多段线3D聚合线3dsin 3DS输入3...
location位置(forfileanddirectory)位置 locked锁定锁护 lockedlayer锁定图层锁护图层 logfileoff关闭日志文件关闭记录档 logfileon打开日志文件开启记录档 logical逻辑逻辑的 longfilename长文件名长档名 loop环回路 ltscale线型比例线型比例 LTSCALE线型比例线型比例 ...
Step 2. Go to the Files tab, expand the Automatic Save File Location and check the location of the autosaved files.The autosaved are usually saved under this path: C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Local Settings\Temp.Step 3. Copy the autosave file path and paste it to the Windows ...
AutoCAD 中的英文意思 island 孤立物件 Island detection 侦测孤立物件 ISO (International Standards Organization) ISO(国际标准化组 织) Isolation levels 隔离层次 isoline 等角线 isometric 等角 isometric snap style 等角锁点型式 isometric view 等轴测视图 等角视景 isoplane 等角平面 Italic 斜体 iterator 枚举器 ...
Autodesk grants to you a nonexclusive limited license to use and copy the Software, provided that you agree to the following: 1. Use of the Software You may install the Software in a single location on a single hard disk or other storage device, install and use the Software on a file ...
location 网址(for Internet) 位置 location 位置(for file and directory) 位置 locked 锁定 锁护 locked layer 锁定图层 锁护图层 logfileoff 关闭日志文件 关闭记录档 logfileon 打开日志文件 开启记录档 logical 逻辑 逻辑的 long file name 长文件名 长档名 loop 环 回路 ltscale 线型比例 线型比例 LTSCALE ...
location 网址(for Internet) 位置 location 位置(for file and directory) 位置 locked 锁定 锁护 locked layer 锁定图层 锁护图层 logfileoff 关闭日志文件 关闭记录档 logfileon 打开日志文件 开启记录档 logical 逻辑 逻辑的 long file name 长文件名 长档名 ...
location?网址(for?Internet)?位置? location?位置(for?file?and?directory)?位置? locked?锁定?锁护? locked?layer?锁定图层?锁护图层? logfileoff?关闭日志文件?关闭记录档? logfileon?打开日志文件?开启记录档? logical?逻辑?逻辑的? long?file?name?长文件名?长档名? loop?环?回路? ltscale?线型比例?线型...