If a Layout tab, is the line in question in Model Space or Paper Space? Which "dashed" linetype definition are you using? Is it an out-of-the-box linetype or a custom one? To what values are MSLTSCALE and PSLTSCALE set? Is the Linetype scale property of the line object set to 1...
Note that the dashed line represents the print border, so position the Title Block within it. 6. Save the layout template. See the following documentation To Save a Layout Template.Note:The template can also be saved in to the AutoCAD Template folder to have access to it...
If I print a file in Portrait It will center and fit to page perfectly.(Within The Dashed Lines) The layout page shows the print inside the dashed lines of the printing area as it should. I have tried moving the layout above the dashed line, then the top that shows outside the lines...
In the layout, create a viewport with a zoom factor of 1x, make that layout viewport current, and then draw a line using the same dashed linetype. The dashed lines should appear to be the same. If you change the viewport zoom factor to 2x, the linetype scaling for the dashed line...
Displays the layout and Model tabs at the bottom of the drawing area. When this option is cleared, the tabs are replaced by buttons on the status bar. Display Printable Area Displays the printable area in a layout. The printable area is represented by the area within the dashed line and...
For example when a dashed linetype is applied to polylines having dense vertices, the dash may not appear at all as the mask is reset on each vertex. A second example is text based linetypes, if the linetype generation is turned off the letters will usually read wrong on curve segments...
1.13 第 1 3 题 【操作要求】 1.建立新文件:运行 AutoCAD 软件,建立新模板文件,模板的图形范围是 100 X 100,左下角为(0,O), 长度单位和角度单位均采用十进制,精度为小数点后 1 位:加载以下线型:CENTER、DASHED,线型文件 为 acadiso.lin。 2.保存:将完成的模板图形以 KSCAD1-13.DWT 为文件名保存在...
2. 简答题 ⑴启动AutoCAD 2008有以下3种方法:①直接双击桌面上的快捷方式图标。②右键单击桌面上的快捷方式图标,弹出快捷菜单,在快捷菜单中选则【打开】菜单项。③单击【开始】按钮,在弹出的快捷菜单中选择【开始】 【所有程序】 【Autodesk】 【AutoCAD 2008-Simplified Chinese】 【AutoCAD 2008】菜单项。⑵...
Click Load. Choose one or more linetypes that you want to use. Notice that dashed (non-continuous) linetypes come in several preset sizes. Click Show/Hide details to display additional settings. Specify a different "global scale factor" for all linetypes—the larger the value, the longer th...
A.在 X 方向及 Y 方向均发生变化 B.在 X 方向发生变化,Y 方向不发生变化 C.在 X 方向及 Y 方向均不发生变化 D.在 Y 方向发生变化,X 方向均发生变化 4.当用 DASHED 线型画线时,发现所画的线看上去像实线,这时应该用__D ___来设置线型的比例因子。 A.LINETYPE B.LTYPE C.FACTOR D.LTSCALE 5....