Database attached labels are converted to multiline text and leader objects, and their link information is not available. Attached labels are restored if you open the drawing in AutoCAD 2000 or later. Arc length and jogged dimension objects might not retain their original color in AutoCAD Release...
Do you find the text to be a bit too small in the Dynamic Tooltips? If so, you can increase the size of the text by opening the Drafting Settings dialog box (DSETTINGS command), clicking on the Dynamic Input tab, and then clicking Drafting Tooltip Appearance. In the Tooltip Appearance di...
Text visibility is leaving artifacts after panning AutoCAD does not maintain the enlarged window mode Performance Viewbase viewports causing crash Crash live previewing hatch or properties Slow picking and selecting in model space with certain drawings Increase in filesize and slow performance when DISPSIL...
To increase the value, enter the following at the command prompt. The example shows increasing the value to 100,000. Note that the name MaxHatch is case sensitive and must be entered as shown. Command: (setenv "MaxHatch" "100000") Why is my hatch scrambled? Sometimes when you attempt ...
Create a dimension style on the fly Tutorial: Use fields for titleblock text MTEXT-how to get a better clue of text size 3D 3D tutorial: Draw a fancy square glass bottle cap in AutoCAD Automate the creation of details and sections on a layout Creating models for 3D printing Viewi...
When displayed using the three D style, you can increase the line with of the UCS icon 04:49 if you prefer. You can switch the icon to a two D style, 04:54 in which case the UCS icon will look a bit different. 04:59 To change the size of the U. C. S. Icon, 05:02 enter...
Dimension Modification Tools Text Tool Line Tool Block Tool Conversion Tool Layers Basic Properties of Drawing Proffessional Practices - Block, Edit Limit, Toggle Option for Block Edit, How to set Limit & Option with Toggle Keys In AutoCAD 25m 3s How to have Print And How to De...
Hold down the Shift key and pick a point in the scroll bar area; you will instantly be taken to that portion of your drawing. Cool tip. I usually turn off my scroll bars to increase the size of my drawing area, but instant navigation is very appealing. ...
Tolerance text is the wrong size in AutoCAD Unable to obtain network license, FlexNet License Finder dialog appears When using the distance command, the dimension will increase drastically when hovering over a line i... Which graphic cards are certified and recommended for AutoCAD-based products...
You can make different text heights in each style or keep them the same. Same with text rotation, different in each or make them the same. Keep in mind an increase in text height (or a steep rotation angle) will require more space and make the table compensate for the taller text by ...