29 用编程小子大佬的激活程序重新激活一遍,就好了,本人就是这么解决的。附上编程小子大佬的激活文件网址...
客户端启动无法获取许可,出现出现FLEXnet License Finder窗口: Solution: 1 确保许可服务器和客户端机器能够通过机器名或者IP地址双向ping通 2 客户端和服务器端机器的网络端口2080 和 27000-27009是开放的 3 可以尝试关闭服务器和客户端的防火墙,看看是否可以获得许可。 4 下载并安装最新版本的许可管理器:...
问题: 启动 Autodesk 软件时,即使 Autodesk 软件已成功启动,FLEXnet License Finder 也会始终提示输入许可服务器信息。 FlexNet License Finder 您的应用程序无法获取许可,因为 FlexNet License Server Manager 无法确定其所需的许可数据的位置。...
The Licence Server is up and Running with the correct Licence File selected but in AutoCAD when trying to Connect to the Server for the Networklicence this error occurs: Your Application was not able to obtain a Licence because the FlexNet Licence Server Manager could not ...
Locate “FlexNet Licensing Service 64”, and right-click on it. Select “Properties,” go to the “General” tab, set the “Startup Type” to “Automatic,” and click OK. You May Need:How to Fix AutoCAD FlexNet License Finder Error?
FlexNet version forAutodesk Network License Manager Supported operating systems for the license manager are: Windows Server 64-bit: Windows 2012 Server or Windows 2012 RS Server Windows 7 32-bit and 64-bit SP1 or later Windows 8 or 8.1, 32- or 64-bit ...
Checked the FlexNet service andit was started.Still get the error that "Autodesk component has stopped working" when itis checking the license. This happens when trying to start 20015 Autocadand Revit.--Matthew E. Simon, AIASimonGlover Inc.3293 Pacific Ave.Long Beach CA...
客户端启动无法获取许可,出现出现FLEXnet License Finder窗口: Solution: 1 确保许可服务器和客户端机器能够通过机器名或者IP地址双向ping通 2 客户端和服务器端机器的网络端口2080 和 27000-27009是开放的 3 可以尝试关闭服务器和客户端的防火墙,看看是否可以获得许可。
问题: 无法获取网络许可,FlexNet License Finder对话框将显示: Network License Manager已正确配置,服务正在运行,并且有可用的许可。您可以ping许可服务器,然后通过端口27000telnet到它。显示“FlexNet License Finder”对话框后,您将无法在约10分钟内ping或telnet...