For quicker results, create these areas with the AutoCAD FILLMODE system variable off, then turn FILLMODE on to fill the finished area. When you create a quadrilateral solid-filled area, the sequence of the third and fourth points determines its shape. Compare the following illustrations: The fir...
Adjust 调整 Adjust Area fill 调整区域填满 AdLM (Autodesk License Manager) AdLM(Autodesk 许可管理器) Administration dialog box 管理对话方块 Advanced Setup Wizard 进阶安装精灵 Aerial View 鸟瞰视景 affine calibration 关系校正 alert 警告 alias 别名 aliasing 锯齿化 align 对齐 aligned dimension 对齐标注 ali...
A hatch is an object that covers an area with a pattern of lines, dots, shapes, solid fill color, or gradient fill. When you start this command, the ribbon will display the ‘hatch creation’ tab where you can pick from a variety of hatch patterns. After you’ve chosen your pattern a...
A hatch is a single object that covers a specified area with a pattern of lines, dots, shapes, a solid fill color, or a gradient fill. You can use RECTANG to create a rectangle by clicking two diagonal points. This will create a closed polyline in a rectangular shape, with the spec...
Attribute: Copy Multiple: Attributes from multiple inserts to adjacent inserts with fuzz parameter. Explode: Values to text. Fill: Attribute of blocks with a block property (such as elevation) with rounding options for numerical results. From Text: Quickly substitute attribute values with picked text...
Dec 1, 2016 - Release 3.3.1 Improvements * New option to Import into the current drawing all the files included in a folder by one click ("Import all") [F1067] ** Shapefiles, GML, OpenStreetMap, etc. ** Can be executed from the contextual menu of the folders in the application pa...
HEHATCHEDIT/ Modifies an existing hatch or fill HIHIDE / Regenerates a 3D wireframe model with hidden lines suppressed I IINSERT / Inserts a block or drawing into the current drawing IADIMAGEADJUST / Controls the image display of the brightness, contrast, and fade values of images ...
The Hatch command in AutoCAD is used to fill an enclosed area or a selected boundary with a pattern or solid color. It is commonly used for representing materials, textures, or indicating different areas on a drawing. To create a hatch in AutoCAD, you need to select the boundaries of the...
append(AcDbHatch::kCirArc); edgePtrs.append((void*)cirArc); pHatch->appendLoop(AcDbHatch::kDefault, edgePtrs, edgeTypes); // Elaborate solid fill // pHatch->evaluateHatch(); // Post hatch entity to database // AcDbObjectId newId; postToModelSpace(pHatch, newId); return eOk; }...