F8 function key issues twice with Chinese or Korean IME enabled Window title at startup changes The 'Powered by Autodesk AutoCAD OEM' icons have the old Autodesk logo The unsupported ". PNG" format is displayed in the "background image" and "setting icon" columns on the "installer image"...
Select the newly added command in the ‘Shortcut Keys’ list. In the ‘Properties’ section at the bottom of the right pane, click inside the ‘Key(s)’ box. Press the desired key combination for your new custom shortcut. Note that the combination must include the CTRL or SHIFT key, f...
To get the display as desired in the original image, without Dynamic Input, you need to have Polar Tracking on [F10 key toggles it]. In the DSETTINGS dialog box: The comment in Message 10 about it only working with Ortho on would be from having the "Track orthogonally only...
and when you want to draw at any angle you can turn it back off by using the button on the status bar, or by pressing the F8 key. Check out theHandy Function Key Reference Tableto learn how to: Turnthe grid display on and off [F7] ...
to its wide variety of tools and even its dimension systems. This is without even mentioning the hundreds of command shortcuts and hotkeys that you might have to memorize. Despite the many demanding steps you have to take to master AutoCAD, however, it’s importantnotto give up. Take it...
Do you have experience working with TEMOVERRIDES? A temporary override key is a key that you can hold down to temporarily turn on or turn off one of the drawing aids that are set in the Drafting Settings dialog box; for example, Ortho mode, object snaps, or Polar mode. ( 0 =OFF, ...
Thanks again for all of you that patiently waited for this while we got our licensing sorted with AutoDesk and the amazing staff there who got it all working for us. Please feel free to leave me comments below and I’ll reply as soon as I can. ...
Key Features :Enhanced interface The new interface has a fresh look and helps to improve the ...
First, I have done a lot of looking, and have found that it is "working as intended" (certainly not MY intention...) - With SDI set to 1... multiple reasons for this, but that's the way it's usually running unless publishing. Open windows explorer, and double click on a few dra...
Q6. Dynamic Input (DYNMODE) is switched on by default. Which function key do you use to control the Dynamic Input toggle?F8 F1 F9 F12 (Windows) or Shift+Command+D (Mac)Q7. What specific annotation setting must be in place in order to place a text annotation in a drawing?