drawing file 图形文件 图档 drawing limits 图形界限 图面范围 drawing order 图形次序 绘图顺序 drawing project 图形项目 绘图专案 drawing scale 图形比例 图面比例 drawing standard 图形标准 图面标准 drawing status 图形状态 图面状态 drawing time 绘图时间 绘图时间 drawing units 图形单位 图面单位 driver 驱...
DXF-Drawing Exchange File(图形交换文件), 这是一种ASCII文本文件,它包含对应的DWG文件的全部信息,不是ASCII码形式,可读性差,但用它形成图形速度快.不同类型的计算机(如PC及其兼容机与SUN工作站具体不同的CPU用总线)哪怕是用同一版本的文件,其DWG文件也是不可交换的. 为了克服这一缺点,AutoCAD提供了DXF类型文件...
23.浅析一下dxf文件格式 dxf-draWing exchange file(图形交换文件), 这是一种ascii文本文件,它包含对应...
drawing extents 图形范围 图面实际范围 drawing file 图形文件 图档 drawing limits 图形界限 图面范围 drawing order 图形次序 绘图顺序 drawing project 图形项目 绘图专案 drawing scale 图形比例 图面比例 drawing standard 图形标准 图面标准 drawing status 图形状态 图面状态 drawing time 绘图时间 绘图时间 draw...
Browse to find the location or folder where you want to save the drawing. In theSave as typelist, select the file type you want: AutoCAD Drawing(*.dwg) AutoCAD Interchange(*.dxf) If your Visio file has more than one drawing page, you must save each page ...
When double-clicking a DWG, DXF, or DST file to have it open in AutoCAD products (including AutoCAD LT), a message similar to the following is displayed: AutoCAD Message Cannot find the specified drawing file. Please ver...
This article describes the compatibility between AutoCAD product drawing file formats and AutoCAD product versions. Drawing (.dwg) files are the native data files that are created when using AutoCAD-based products. Each AutoCAD-based product uses the DWG
User reported that when opening a drawing file in AutoCAD Products (or DWG TrueView), the following message appears: AutoCAD Message Drawing file is not valid. The drawing has been damaged beyond use or is corrupt. There could be other environmental fact
10、打开dwg文件时,系统弹出 “AutoCADMessage”对话提示“Drawingfileisnotvalid”,告诉用户文件不能打开怎么办? 这种情况下可以先退出打开操作,然后打开“File”菜单,选“DrawingUtilities/Recover”命令,或者在命令行直接用键盘输入“recover”,接着在“SelectFile”对话框中输入要恢复的文件,确认后系统开始执行恢复文件...
Learn the factors behind the ‘Drawing File is Not Valid’ error message in AutoCAD, how to solve them, and how to avoid such an error in the future.